7th Pay Commission

I believe it is not ethical and financially feasible to increase burden on the tax payers. First of all a government servant needs to understand that he has been privileged to get a job where millions are without job and there is no way the government can assure them jobs, this goes for all services including the politicians. Now one gets a government job and has been secured in society, then you can also get opportunity to get your relatives and family members into similar jobs, you receive salary throughout life then pension and when you go your better half gets half the pension. I think it is just not equal opportunity to every citizen which our democracy and constitution suggests. If one has to be doing justice no Indian should be taking government pay for more than 4 years then they can continue to offer services but without pay if every citizen or at least one member of his family should get the same benefit, rest all these increments, the pay commission is a joke on the constitution just not be equitable to the citizens, not justifiable, not ethical.
shankar Iyer more  

Sri Shankar Iyer has raised the correct and actual facts that is in deed needed to be thought promptly by the Executive and the Judiciary in the light of the responsibilities and provisions set for the Rulers and for the public accommodating the Scheduled areas also in additions to all people and all corners of the Country . Governments selfishly increasing the retirement age ; extending free medical aid etc., even if these are paid doubly higher ; continuing pension even selfishly addressing with periodical increases while 55 % poor and common are striving and starving . Government and Government Gazetted and non-Gazetted Officers have to think about their co-citizen and their jobless children years together in the so called carried Democracy of . IT IS IN DEED NECESSARY FOR THE EXECUTIVE TO THINK THE NEEDFUL EVEN IN THE LIGHT OF THE RECENT PROTEST OF EVEN THE PATRIOTS . It is the fast need of addressing the created paucity amidst maintaining the ill-wealth and Black Wealth in many known forms like Excessive illegitimate lands ; double and triple House buildings ; multi valued Shares ; illegItimate Lands and Buildings in the name of SPECIAL ZONES , CORPORATES , COLLEGES COMPLEXES , MANY UNIVERSITY COMPLEXES ETC., SEVERAL LOOTS OF PUBLIC FINANCES AS ARE EVIDENTIAL THROUGH NEWS PAPERS AND ELECTRONIC MEDIA AGENCIES . more  
Pay Commission is highly essential due to INFLATION. more  
Dear Mr. Iyer I also agreed with you and my concern is that what is the use of increasing salary it is better to control prices so that every person feel relief. more  
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