7th Pay Commission

My sincere hats off to the local circles team for continuously taking voice of common man to Government. Weekday, weekend, every day your team seems to be doing new topics, publishing whitepaper, what not. Simply superb.

I want to raise the subject of 7th pay commission where Govt employee salaries will go up by 30-50%. My question is that is tax payers have to bear this, what are the delivery mechanims being put in place to ensure delivery and performance by Govt employees. Kindly let us have discussion on that. Very important to have private sector like KRAs and delivery in govt if we are going to pay them like private sector.

Please everyone give views. more  

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Just because salary was not increased in sometime increase appears to have become a normative reference in India. With continual DA enhancements etc already in place it is wasteful at core. The loosing value of Rupee because of such repeated actions is nobody's concern: Most of taxes collected appear to drown into salary enhancements resulting in Tax on A - Z aspects in life of citizen be it travel or even living in a house. The worst part is the "DUTY and Resposnibility" appears depleting with every pay commission action more  
I agree. The Govt employees need to be judged by their performance and a large component of their salary should be productivity linked. This should include the parliamentarians and legislators , as well. No blanket allowances to elected representatives. Proper proposals should be given, with associated expenditure, and only then allowances should be given to politician. Feedback should be sought from the associated constituency, for the efficacy of the project implemented. This way we can obviate instances like the one in Haryana, where the minister can gift Rs 50 lakhs to a Baba Ram Rahim. more  
Increments should and must be performance based and not at flat rate. A public servant whose performance is not satisfactory shouldn't be given any increament. I propose decrement for them.... more  
it is time that wages should be linked to consumer inflation.such hefty increases are not required now since wages otherwise have become quite substantial. further grievances of defence forces must be solved.hiearchily civil babus are ruling over them as also they get higher salaries.it is defence forces who save the nation whether duRng waror peace or during natural calamities. more  
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