8 Ways to Eat Right - Must Read
2. Make water more readily available. Most of us mindlessly take a swig of soda or a sip of coffee as we do other tasks.
3. Want to drink less alcohol or soda? Use tall, slender glasses instead of short, fat ones.
4. Use plates that have a high contrast color with your food. When the color of your plate matches the color of your food, you naturally serve yourself more because your brain has trouble distinguishing the portion size from the plate.
5. Display healthy foods in a prominent place. For example, you could place a bowl of fruits or nuts near the front door or somewhere else that you pass by before you leave the house.
6. Wrap unhealthy foods in tin foil. Wrap healthy foods in plastic wrap.The old saying, "out of sight, out of mind" turns out to have some truth to it.
7. Serve meals by using the "half plate" rule. You can design your eating environment as well. When you serve yourself dinner, start by making half of your plate fruits or vegetables. Then, fill the rest of the dish based on that constraint.
8. Use the "Outer Ring" strategy to buy healthier foods. The concept is simple: when you go grocery shopping, don't walk down the aisles. Only shop on the outer perimeter of the store. This is usually where the healthy food lives: fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, and nuts. If you only shop on the outer ring, then you're more likely to buy healthy foods. more