yes definitely if retailers or any other charging GST they should raise the tax bill. In fact In my opinion Govt. should launch a portal where any person who purchased the goods with GST bill can upload the details of the bill. because it is lot of possible that the shopkeepers like hotels, & other retailers who are raising the bill computer generated and there is no signature on the bill they can collect the GST from customers but they may not pay the GST to Govt. For example If a hotelier raise every day 200 bills but at the end of day he book only 20 bills than there is no mechanism to control it but if a portal launched by the Govt. where any person can upload a bill issued to them and if in cross check it is found that no tax paid by the seller or service provider then a heavy penalty should be imposed & the person who uploaded the bills should be suitably rewarded. more
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This is a very good idea to stop black money generation. Each citizen can upload the details of invoice. This is to act as a cross check so that the person charging GST HAS to pay the same to the government. Otherwise many people may charge GST but not pay to the government; and fleece the public and the government. more
Aug 18
Very good idea. If we can have a website arranged by the local circles, we can upload bills which we feel are not truly reflecting the actual levy. more
Aug 18
सरकार को चाहिए कि सिर्फ और सिर्फ उत्पादक से ही पूरा टैक्स वसूल ले,छोटे बड़े सभी उत्पादक को gst portal से लिंक कर ले जो भी माल निकले वगैर उनकी इन्वायस के न निकले इससे टैक्स चोरी लगभग पूर्ण रूप से रुक जायेगी एवं उपभोक्ताओं को टैक्स पेड MRP पर वस्तु मिल सकेगी. या आन लाइन बिलिंग सिस्टम कर देना चाहिए जिससे कोइ भी बिल वगैर gst portal से लिंक हुए न बन सके, इससे टैक्स चोरी पूर्ण रूप से समाप्त हो जायेगी. more
Aug 18
On line billing is not possible as of now as Internet connectivity is not guaranteed and even Government Gst portal is not accessible sometimes due to heavy load. Hence only solution is to keep taxes as low as possible and ensure voluntary compliance. more
Aug 20
GST on restaurants is completely ill conceived. Nothing wrong If GST is levied on star hotels and restaurants serving liquor. But levying a GST of 18 per cent or 5 per cent on food items is nothing but hitting the aam aadhmi in his stomach. Please spare tire common man. more
Aug 18
Now mostly all Restaurant and Hotels ate chargin GST on customer bill, but is there any machinery to check whether GST charged are paid to Govt. Whethere he is eligible to charge GST? Each and every person try charge higher rate telling that due to GST they are charging higher rate. Is there ANY solution? more
Aug 18