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Best suggestion sir. The Voluntary determination for the goal notified by you having well rooted and routed to various other countries too Sri Jaggi Vasudev guruji , Sri Ravi Shankar guruji and so many others in various places in India in promoting and practice of Yoga for its unique achievement. In deed, the present carry of 21st June as the International Yoga day that has claimed better support and participation in the World is a wisely established purpose that re-brings the voluntary social nature thus enabling the carry of the requisite Healthy and peaceful Life of all the living beings. Thank you very much for the good assertion on this subject. more  
Csn Sarmaji, Everyone of us should understand the value of human life which is the blessings of god and best form to development our life as per our will power. Just imagine other creatures in this globe have no choice to make their life better except human being. The duties and responsibilities of human life is not only to make his life better but also to observe nature and rendering possible services to other creatures within our limits. YOGA should be considered as essential part of our life like food and sleep. For this we have to curtail one hour sleep and get ready to spare time for YOGA. more  
While Yoga is the full & comprehensive Form ; the easiest , diluted and simplified preliminary forms are well in practice every where in Schools ; Specially named practicing centers . Yoga tenders disciplined and strictly procedural practice which people naturally ignore and neglect . Secondly , the origin of the word & practice of " YOGA " IS THE INDIAN HERITAGE , NATURALLY SET TO CRITICISM AND OR OBJECTIONS AS HAS BEEN PENETRATED IN THE ISSUE OF HINDU BELIEFS , CUSTOMS, CULTURE AND SYSTEMS BEING ALLOWED AT INDIVIDUAL WILLS AND FANCIES resultant to the compulsory imbibe of international conditions . Honoring the complexity of the composite culture consented in the part iv of our Constitution and to be in the binding of part iii and iv , we have only to en-light the benefits and gains out of Health-care through Yoga & Naturopthy already in practice world-wide in its easy and preliminary forms including Diet control and Voluntary Fasting suitable to those individual Body resistance . more  
It is pertinent to note that even Islamic countries in "Internation Yogs Day. Follow the link below for details. Why 21 June was chosen as International Yoga Day? United Nations has passed a resolution declaring June 21 every year as the International Yoga Day (World Yoga Day). India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi had urged the International Community to adopt 21 June as the International Yoga Day. Every year in Northern hemisphere, the Summer Solstice falls on June 21. It is the day when Day is longest and the night is shortest. It is the day when Earth is at its closest distance from the Sun on its orbit. From the perspective of yoga, the Summer Solstice marks the transition of Sun from Uttarayana to Dakshinayana, according to ancient Vedic Calendar. According to Vedic Books, it was the day when Lord Shiva, first taught Yoga to his disciples. The knowledge of Yoga first descended from Shiva on this day. We can say, June 21 as the Birthday of Yoga. This is the reason why several Yogic Preachers had advocated celebrating June 21 as the International Yoga Day. more  
Yog is very useful & healthy habits for everybody more  
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