"Increase in size of liver lesion with significant metabolic resolution. There is increase in size, number and metabolic activity of perigastric lymph nodes. Muscular deposit in right anterior abdominal wall is a new finding."
Due to location of some legions, Surgeons are not in favour of operation.
Keeping in view that during previous Chemos there was no benefit and its possible side effects, we have not yet opted for it.
As an alternative, we have started Homeopathy and Ayurvedic treatments.
Request your views for future course of action as under:
Should we go for chemotherapy and if so when and how long?
We are given to understand that there are some alternative treatments like Lutetium, Selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT), Collect Budwig, Cannabis oil, Baking Soda, Tibetan ayurveda, Immuno-therapy etc. Which of these could we try? Possible benefits vs side effects?
Any other treatment
satyakarma@gmail.com more