I have earlier also expressed my views on the issue. The Indian Railway is also a transporter and it is the prime responsibility of the transporter to provide the services duly insured including safety of passengers and the luggage. It is also surprising that Railways want to burden the passengers for their own inefficiency. As an example, the luggage is stolen because of unauthorised travelling in the reserved coach. It is the prime responsibility of the employee i.e TTE to ensure that no unauthorised boarding take place. However TTE have laxity in performance of their duties one because of laxity and 2nd because of unauthorised income.
It seems the present Govt. is working as Marketing Executive/ Insurance Agents for insurance companies. It is estimated that on an average more than 2 crore passenger travels daily and if Rs. 2/- is charged from each passenger, their a revenue of Rs. 4/- crore daily for insurance company. This is equal to Rs. 1,460/- crore annually.
Now a published report indicates some revealing facts which I am bringing herein:
1. Total Number of passengers killed from 2009-10 to 2013-14 : 502
2. Total number of passengers injured from 2009-10 to 2013-14: 1531
3. Total amount of compensation paid (in Rs. Lakhs) : 1816
The above data is for the period of 5 years and therefore the total revenue generation would be Rs. 1460 crores x 5 yrs = Rs. 7300 crores as against a compensation paid of Rs. 18 crore during last 5 years.
Are we (Govt. of India) working as marketing agents of the insurance companies ? Is there any hidden understanding ?
In view of above, I feel Indian Railways or Ministry of Railways not to promote insurance business and restrict itself in discharge of its service obligations which includes safety of passengers and their luggage else the other operators like Airlines, Buses metros, Local Sub-urban trains would also resort to such unethical business practices. more