I am udey khanna. diabetic now for almost 15 years. Earlier I had breathing problems and after a good long treatment of 8-9 months I lost much weight due to allopathic medicines. But the breathing problem persisted and finally I took swadeshi syrup of amla bheda and trihla which to a certain extent cleaned the system. But the swelling on the feet and foul gas still persists My feet are always as if there is mud on them I clean rub them properly but the irritating feeling in the feet is always there. Can anybody recommend any solution to get rid of the same udey 8826406066. more
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Rakeshji, yes it is possible to reduce blood sugar level provided several steps are taken. Until and unless results are their from LCHF diets, proper sugar level checking should be done & allopathic or other medicines should be continued. Brisk walk once or twice a day, yogic physical and pranic exercises, meditation, praying (if someone do) should be done. Sugar intake has to be eliminated including wheat atta, table salt, rice, potato etc. more
Sep 23
Sir, I just wanted to say that it is possible to achieve low blood sugar levels without exotic treatments only by following LCHF diets. more
Sep 23
@Mr. Khullar. Medical research has been on in this for some time. The activity is now on stem cells. Stem cells are cells that can change into any cells, be it none, brain or eye cells. Stem cells are extracted from placental blood of new born baby. The theory is to inject it into pancreas for replacing defective cells. Auto immune rejection, genetic pairing etc are some of the obstacles which are being researched at present. Some trials in disease control are also on. May be one day..... more
Sep 23
Why not try and fix the cause of rising bs levels, rather than kill your pancreas by pumping insulin externally??? more
Sep 23