My worries are as follows
01. We did never retaliated the unprovoked firing from the Pakistani side for the last 10 years. My suggestion would be ............. if any any any any shot is fired from the Pakistani side, we should fire incessantly to make sure that the post is obliterated from the face of Pakistan in retaliation.
02. When ever there is a bid for infiltration from Pakistan side, we should not wait for them to cross the LOC........ we should make sure that we do not capture them. SHoot them at sight. Who said we have to wait for them to cross the border and take them into custody.
03. Any exercise by any DESHDROHI to bomb any place in India. Do not negotiate. Let 100000 hindus die to kill one terrorist. We failed into aquasizing to the demands of Taliban to release the terrorists from India because another India hater the daughter of Mufti was among the hijacked.

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Mr Anupam How much poison did you gulp? You vomit poison everyday. There are other groups also eg. BAJRANG DAL, RSS, VHP etc. What do you say of that? What do you say about you nauseating poison in each talk? You try to justify yourself whatever you say and do. Why is such injustice prevalent in your mentality? Learn to favour truth. Let me tell you I 'm the govt office holder in India. You always talk prejudiced. You lived in Gulf is justified, while a Muslim lives in India, serves India is differentiated. Thing is that you can't see anybody flourish except you. You try to marginalise other community, while you are mentally marginalised. You are right, why should I teach you? " fool ki patti se cut sakta he hire ka jigar ....marde nada par kalame narmo nazuk be asar." Iqbal. Your tone of conversation is unhealthy. You are a lame Er with knife in hand instead of machinery. It looks awkwRd. Understand!!! Sorry you can't. Sign off. Adieu.
Also Mr "Adnan Anar" YOU ARE so obviously SAUDI to pretend to be Indian. I do not know how the Local community is allowing a SAUDI national here. You are NOT A INDIAN MUSLIM he knows "nurture normal thoughts" EXCEPT THOSE POISONED BY SAUDI WAHHABISM
Mr Adnan FIRST of all your name does not gell to be Indian and do not advise me on being Indian, and on English check your first. Is there a Hamas or ISIS in India?? WHAT ARE OWASIS AND SIMI AND IM?? WHOM YOU PEOPLE BACK MANIACALLY. Ok you may find them the milk distributors. Well ALSO WE INDIANS have had a LOOONG INDIAN OUTLOOK and faced the 1947 slaughter and Congress inspired terrorism (Like what's Iraq and Syria now). We are Talking of Pakistan cutting heads and terrorists blowing children up and you feel very hurt. WHY NOT THE ISREAL WAY?? I have said NOW CASUALTIES OF INDIANS START WITH NO 1 AND THAT INCLUDES INDIANS INDUS, MUSLIMS, SIKHS ALLLL.. AND DO NOT GIVE THE CRAP AND BULLSHIT OF "CONGRI" INDIAN ATTITUDE, do you mean we Indians are just to be cannon and Bomb fodder for ANY Bombardier, organ eater, or Head Cutter. why ?? AND WHAT IS TO BE ASHAMED OF LOOKING TO ISREAL?? Is it giving USD 35 billion per year to the Wahhabi/Takfeeri genocidal maniacs who blow up even Dargahs?? I think I'am owner of this country as much as you think you own Saudi/Pakistam. DESTRUCTIVE MENTALITY is Not mine, I'am NOT talking of wiping communities, 100 crores like Owaisi, genocidal biped maniacs or cutting Modi to pieces. BUT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH is WHAT I SAID?? It has to be reciprocal NOT ONE WAY TRAFFIC
Anupam: You 've reading, understanding and focusing problem. Learn English well to understand it. Why do you think that u r d owner of the Country? Mr Modi is a very gentleman. Leave the rest on him. Don't try to tarnish his image by involving him in your fantastic violent dreams. Let him do the best he can. Nobody gets any benefit by violence that you want to create in India which is now peaceful. What do you mean by Israeli way? Is there any Hamas in India or ISIS? Why do you keep such mentality being an Indian? No problem is solved by violent measures. You talk about Iraq and Syria. Why ISIS came into existence ? you know it very well. Anyhow, be Indian, have Indian outlook. Even for ideas you look for Israel! Shame on you. Is there anything left Indian with you? Who guarantees you will remain loyal to India in need. My forefathers died fighting with the British for India. You are the ones who can easily violate the peaceful ambience in India. Why do you have that destructive mentality? What is the difference between you and the so called jihadists? Nurture normal thoughts. Love human beings. Try to make the country proud. Can't you live without any bias and with unity of all caste, creed, religion, etc.?
What r u then ? You r talking about killing ppl. You are terrorists in the name of biped animal.
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