A plan to keep elders from cabin is looking real agenda.

After removing discounts to senior citizen , this is just an matter of making people fool. Who is going to verify that whether lower seat is available or not. Moreover, while booking window ticket one can ask for lower berth and in online a option comes for book the ticket only when lower seat is available. Not only side lower all lower seats. If you want to give real reservation to elders attached two separate coaches for elders and handcap where no other will enter. I am sure at least 72 to 140 senior people travel in train. This coach should be reserved in sleeper fare. Lets pay respect to your elders. The facility already available that you can buy the ticket once the lower berth is available, this side lower quota which is mostly for RAC people has not meaning. Moreover, in case of two elder husband wife or brother sisters are going they have to travel at separate seats. The elders should have reservation in cabin lower seat. In fact this may be looking like a plant to keep elders away from cabin. Eleders needs quota for them in 60% cost in cabin lower seats. Lets pay respect respect to them. more  

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We tell about our rights,but forget our duties towards country.out of 140 crore people, how many of us honestly discharge our duties towards country. Everyone tweets about rights, govt responsibilities but remains silent about our duties towards country.we want facilities without paying any thing. This country is our home, we have to build and maintain it with contribution of our all.no matter it's more or less, but it should be. more  
The idea is ok but given the size of Indian population and those commuting this would just be catering to a very small section, the lucky ones so to say as the probability of getting reservation in other coaches could get snatched away. more  
this is thinking beyond limits more  
India has huge population of sr citizens also. It is difficult to provide same facility to everyone. Nobody talks about population control. Instead netas are very busy in offering more and more freebies and 1 lac pension KHATAKGAT KHATAKATto GRAB KURSI, even if India goes SRI LANKA OR PAK way. more  
Let us look at it practically. Railway is a service business which need to make enough money to run it without losses. Our railway ticket prices are already subsidized and cannot have additional coaches for certain class of people. What if these Sr. Citizens are travelling with some relative who helps them go to toilet etc. They cannot enter the coach. Who will then take care of them? What if there are not enough travelers in the route, that railway cannot any money out of it? Technically, additional coaches will lead to increased load on engines, which means we need to upgrade engines to take extra load. The excess load will lead to excess wear and tear on railway lines, which means more money spent on maintenance and replacement of rail lines. It is easy to say, but very tough to implement on ground, UNLESS RAILWAY CAN FIND A WAY TO FUND these without taking more money from its tax revenues, since Sr. Citizens also need tickets at subsidized rates. more  
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