None of us is immortal: we all have to die one day. All this happens as natural process of aging. We cannot reverse or stop it. We can only slow down the process and push death a little further. Researchers say genetics govern only 30% of aging; the rest 70% lies in your hands: it depends heavily on the life style patterns you have chosen.
You all know there is an upswing of longevity worldwide. There are many comparatively able-bodied centenarians out there. So, we too could be. Interested? Then, let’s get going in right earnest, okay?
We’ll be governed here with two main objectives:
1. To slow down the aging process, and
2. To shorten the morbidity period, which is defined as the period of prolonged suffering preceding death.
Both are attainable by observing the following simple points seriously: -
a. First of all, banish the thought that you are getting old. It’s true and inevitable but we need not brood on it. Dwelling on it has detrimental effect.
b. Our body, like a machine, gets deteriorated with age, but unlike machine it has self-healing power to a great extent. For this a balanced diet is essential.
c. Avoid fat rich food and red meat. Eat less of cereals and plenty of fruits and vegetables, and leafy greens..
d. Fish is good if it’s not fried. Fish oil, because of omega-3 – a potent antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals responsible for aging. One good source of antioxidant is the freshly ground flax seed, which is Tishi in Bengali and Alsi in Hindi – readily available in the market.
e. Avoid smoking; keep weight under control; moderate drinking is permissible. Red wine is good.
f. Physical exercise is important too. The dictum ‘Use it or lose it holds good here.’ If you put your limbs in daily use it will remain in good working order. If not, it will rot and you will be infested with host of other troubles like arthritis.etc.
g. Experts recommend exercises that strengthen the heart and help maintain muscle tone and bodily balance.
h. Similarly brain also needs plenty of exercise. Problem solving, crossword puzzles, playing Soduku, learning a foreign language or any other intellectual activity will keep your brain active and growing. It may save you from falling a common victim to dementia and Alzhimer’s disease.
i. Yoga and meditation are considered to be very helpful.
j. Keeping socially engaged and connected with friends and relatives boosts physical and mental well-being.
k. And above all maintain a positive outlook on life and the world and you will live long and lead an active life till you breathe out last. Regular physical check up, without generating tension, is desirable.
l. Healthy life extension means to use the science and medicine to come to separate “old” from “decrepit” – to choose to repair the damage of aging in order to live longer in wisdom, health and vigor.
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