A typical eye clinic
At Ophthacare Eye Centre, the chief ophthalmologist, having super-specialisations in phacoemulsification (cataract surgery) and oculo-plastic surgery (eyelid and orbit surgery) looks up routine as well as cataract, oculo-plasty and refractive surgery cases; the consultant ophthalmologist, having super specialisation in retinal and vitreous surgery, attends to retina cases; the optometrist, having degree in optometry, works up the case and does eye refraction and pressure recordings; the senior optometrist (having diploma in optometry, degree in ayurvedic medicine and post-graduate certificate in rehabilitation) looks after eyewear, contact lenses including specialised contact lenses (for colour blindness and disfigured conea), low vision aids, and ptosis spectacles (to lift the drooping upper lid).
Supporting staff includes a technical assistant for general keep-up and pre-operative preparations, a receptionist, an assistant, and two cleaners.
Although, there is a small eyewear display, no one asks the patient to go in for spectacles at the clinic (it is the patient’s sweet will to, or not to, do this)...our emphasis being on medical and surgical treatment.
The up-keep at the clinic is eye-catching, the location is convenient, the consultation fee is reasonable, and the services provided are straight-forward and patient-friendly.
The picture is the title page of my book “Babloo goes for an eye test”.
Dr. Narendra Kumar more