Aadhar & Death Certicate
Let us consider, a person dies in an accident. His Aadhar is not found from his person. In that case, his death certificate will not be issued and his body will not be cremated because, we cannot cremate a body without death certificate.
My suggestion to the Government is, please specify a part of the body and the position, where everyone should get his Aadhar No. tatooed which can be verified in a death case. For example, upper left forearm. If one doesn't have left arm, then upper right arm. If he is "Thakur" and doesn't have both arms, then upper left leg, then upper right leg. And, if he doesn't have either of arms. may be back or belly.
Precautionarily, Government should specify more than one body part for Tatooing because, by chance, if Aadhar No. is not readable at one place, because of accident, it can read from other place. more
This is why , the Courts directs the Media Houses to submit the original Hard Disks untampered . more