AAP likely to win 51 seats in February 2015 Delhi Assembly Elections as is being projected through surveys televised by several prominent channels. There is not doubt that a strong current is seen flowing among the public in favor AAP. The reasons are known to every voter particularly those voters who are not committed to any party, but they wish to have better Delhi with powerful government with empowered public. The apprehension of BJP leadership is seen openly through the interview of top leaders televised today on 4/02/2015 on NDTV where it was expressed that AAP is expert in propoganda.

At this stage lot of public conversation is in air that only Kejriwal can bring down the prices and eliminate corruption. These people are hawkers, rickshaw pullers, TSR drivers and people commuting in buses. Looking at the growing public opinion in favor of AAP, I would like to point out some of the points raised by public what they expect from Kejriwal's AAP:

1. Elected representatives should be public friendly and responsive to them to hear their difficulties and take steps to resolve the problems.
2. Public wants corruption free environment and accountable government. Therefore AAP must issue a white paper indicating time frame within which each plan/promise given in Manifesto will be completed.
3. Public should be empowered to get the Manifesto legally enforced if any candidate/party fails to implement/complete its declared plan/promises. It is because when public votes a party to power to make a powerful government, then public must also be empowered to seek accountability of elected representative/party.
4. Road and transport plans should be immediately started on formation of the government. Priority should be given to construction of underpass at all major intersections of roads to save public time and money. Some of the busiest and congested intersections are intersection under Chirag Delhi Flyover, ITO intersection on BSZ Marg, Rajghat intersection on Ring Road, Ashram Chowk intersection on Mathura Road etc. I will suggest that this work may be allotted to DMRC as they are constructing metronetwork on all major intersections on Delhi roads.
5. CAG audit of BSES and TPDDL must be completed on priority. Tariff of Brijender Singh period should be called back and present tariff order should be suspended till audit is completed.
6. Market margin of gas suppliers (GAIL/RIL) must not be increased so that tariff of gas based stations is not increased.
7. Power generating companies, transmission companies and distribution companies must work on No Profit and No Loss basis so that tariff is brought down for benefit of common man.
8. Central power utilities like NTPC, NHPC and SJVN etc must also work on No Profit No Loss Basis so that benefit of low power tariff is passed on to public.
9. Allotment of DDA Schemes should be only for Delhi citizens or it should be 95% for Delhi citizens. It is because Delhi citizens are not entitled to apply in other states of their choice.
10. DDA should launch housing schemes for Senior Citizens all over Delhi. Land given to private builders or Group Housing Societies should have 25% quota for senior citizens to be allotted on No Profit No Loss basis at cheaper rates.
12. Senior citizens should be allotted DDA flats at ground floor or first floor only.
13. Free hold formalities and documents should be given by DDA at the time of allotment, and it should not be deferred to a subsequent date as it is at present.
14. Toll charges should be removed for citizens of Delhi using toll road connected to Delhi when they go out or come back.
15. All bus stands should have public convenience place at least urinals for ladies and gents. These should be well maintained. This will generate employment.
16. Halt and go permission should be given to car users outside all Metro Stations to allow dropping of their wards, relatives, friends, guests etc. The car users are presently being challaned by Traffic Police.
17. Encroachment of public roads by Police Stations should be removed as they keep lot of confiscated vehicles on pubic roads and these remain lying on roads for year over year.
18. VAT should be removed from ladies and babies sanitary foods and life savings medicines and machines e.g. cancer medicines, stents, analgesic, antipyretic, antidiarrhoea medicines etc.
19. DDA should work on No Profit No Loss Basis to bring down the selling cost. Auction method should be stopped as it does not favor fundamental principle of social welfare state.
20. All parks in residential areas should be remodeled at least with underground parking beginning from the first year of formation of the government. Ground floor will be the park area. Further expansion i.e. construction of first floor/second floor parking space can be considered in second and third year.

It is hoped that AAP will take a serious note of above aspirations of common man to prove itself a party of common man.

Sincerely with good wishes,
C.M. Lal
4th February 2015 more  

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Though exit polls seem to indicate a clean sweep for AAP, it is prudent to await the authentic results that will be known on the tenth of February, a day destined to be quoted repeatedly in future electoral analysis. However, for the present it seems pertinent to make only two observations, namely, the welcome mellowness with which the AAP leadership have taken the exit poll projections, & the AK-49 saga, which continued to be cited despite its excessive staleness, now, hopefully, may get a final & decent burial! more  
किरण बेदी यही है वह lady १.जिसके लिए एक BJP नेता ने बोला ' ६० करोड़ ' लेकर BJP मैं शामिल हुई.. २. और बीजेपी मैं शामिल होने के बाद इसके husband ने tweet किया ' All evil forces are getting together to finish Kejriwal and his party AAP' ३ . जिसके लिए Anna Hazare, Santosh Hegde & Shanti bhushan ने कहा इसे BJP जैसी भ्रष्ट और communal पार्टी मैं शामिल नहीं होना चाहिए था. ४.जिसने झूठ बोलकर अपनी छवि Crane Bedi की बनाई.. ५.जिसने झूठे domicile certificate से अपनी बेटी का मेडिकल मैं एडमिशन कराया...जो एक criminal offence है ६.जिसने १९८२-८७ के दौरान Arunachal Pradesh के IG पद मैं रहते हुए रिश्वत लेकर नागा कोटे मैं बहुत से अपने आदमियों की भर्ती की और जब वहां के लोगों को पता चला तो यह औरत वहां से भाग कड़ी हुई .. ७. जो १९९५ मैं तिहाड़ जेल मैं Charles Shobhraj जैसे international criminal को VIP treatment देने के जुर्म मैं दोषी करार हुई / मदन लाल खुराना उस समय मुख्यमंत्री थे . ९. लाला लाजपत राय जैसे शहीद का अपमान किया .. १०.यह उसी पुलिस महकमे से है जो रिश्वतखोरी और criminals का साथ देने के लिए बदनाम है. जहाँ एक हवालदार की भर्ती के लिए ५ लाख की रिश्वत ली जाती है.. ११.इसे कभी कोई पुलिस पदक नहीं मिला, जो कुछ साल की पुलिस सर्विस के बाद हर पुलिस ऑफिसर को मिल जाता है.. १२.ये औरत भारत की पहली महिला आईपीएस ऑफिसर नहीं है..pehli आईपीएस ऑफिसर सुरजीत कौर जी थी ..जिनकी एक कार दुर्घटना मैं मृत्यु हो गयी थी..(Batchmate of Sh. Ved Marwah) more  
किरण बेदी यही है वह lady १.जिसके लिए एक BJP नेता ने बोला ' ६० करोड़ ' लेकर BJP मैं शामिल हुई.. २. और बीजेपी मैं शामिल होने के बाद इसके husband ने tweet किया ' All evil forces are getting together to finish Kejriwal and his party AAP' ३ . जिसके लिए Anna Hazare, Santosh Hegde & Shanti bhushan ने कहा इसे BJP जैसी भ्रष्ट और communal पार्टी मैं शामिल नहीं होना चाहिए था. ४.जिसने झूठ बोलकर अपनी छवि Crane Bedi की बनाई.. ५.जिसने झूठे domicile certificate से अपनी बेटी का मेडिकल मैं एडमिशन कराया...जो एक criminal offence है ६.जिसने १९८२-८७ के दौरान Arunachal Pradesh के IG पद मैं रहते हुए रिश्वत लेकर नागा कोटे मैं बहुत से अपने आदमियों की भर्ती की और जब वहां के लोगों को पता चला तो यह औरत वहां से भाग कड़ी हुई .. ७. जो १९९५ मैं तिहाड़ जेल मैं Charles Shobhraj जैसे international criminal को VIP treatment देने के जुर्म मैं दोषी करार हुई / मदन लाल खुराना उस समय मुख्यमंत्री थे . ९. लाला लाजपत राय जैसे शहीद का अपमान किया .. १०.यह उसी पुलिस महकमे से है जो रिश्वतखोरी और criminals का साथ देने के लिए बदनाम है. जहाँ एक हवालदार की भर्ती के लिए ५ लाख की रिश्वत ली जाती है.. ११.इसे कभी कोई पुलिस पदक नहीं मिला, जो कुछ साल की पुलिस सर्विस के बाद हर पुलिस ऑफिसर को मिल जाता है.. १२.ये औरत भारत की पहली महिला आईपीएस ऑफिसर नहीं है..pehli आईपीएस ऑफिसर सुरजीत कौर जी थी ..जिनकी एक कार दुर्घटना मैं मृत्यु हो गयी थी..(Batchmate of Sh. Ved Marwah) more  
No Sir, not 51 but I am sure the AAP will get 32 to 38 seats very well. more  
Dear All, My deep thanks to all for understanding the demand and sentiment of people's empowerment. AAP is sure to win. And when AAP forms government in Delhi it must acknowledge why AAP has been voted to power. To deliver in time, in measure and quality both. And to empower people by making its Manifesto an agreement between AAP and Public who can legally enforce it and call back the failing candidate/party. If AAP does this, it would create a landmark in the history of democracy. Sincerely, C.M. Lal srivastavacmlal@gmail.com more  
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