Accident Response by Locals
In fact my uncle was onsite yesterday helping people on the spot, providing water and some of his friends took people to hospital. He said, they could have used help from more ppl yesterday in the first 3-4 hours.
My question to Railways is how can rail disaster response be improved. Why are your Kanpur Station Master, DRM, GM not engaging with people who have voluntarily become part of Kanpur Emergency circle. You should do this in every district not just Kanpur
Had you taken this initiative connected the blood banks, your staff, more people, I truly believe more ppl could have been mobilised yesterday faster. IT did not even occur to me till I saw Aditi Gupta's msg. Even lions club rotary clubs, blood banks, hospitals need to be given access to such endevaours. Also NDRF played such big role yesterday. They should be there.
When rail accidents do happen you have to rely on local people and if good socially oriented citizens can be mobilized u have chance of saving more lives. more