Take a look at the Attached picture of stomach, Esophagus and Pylorus please :

The condition happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES ) muscle relaxes at the wrong time, ALLOWING STOMACH ACID TO FLOW BACK INTO THE ESOPHAGUS. The LES is a circular band of muscle at the bottom of the esophagus that normally relaxes to allow food and liquid to pass into the stomach, then closes again. WHEN THE LES DOESN'T RELAX OR CLOSE PROPERLY, STOMACH ACID CAN BACK UP INTO THE ESOPHAGUS. That causes pain irritation and discomfort.

* Antacids (to neutralize acidity). Over-the-counter antacids are best for intermittent and relatively infrequent symptoms of reflux. ...
* Histamine blockers. Histamine 2 (H2) blockers are drugs that help lower acid secretion. ...
Proton pump inhibitors. ...

lower esophageal sphincter LES : sphincters' is a circular muscle that opens and closes for the passage of food and water here between the stomach and esophagus . Like wise sphincters' are there to open and close for Urine and feces in the appropriate place below.

The pyloric sphincter is a muscular valve at the bottom of the stomach that controls the flow of food from the stomach to the small intestine. It acts as a gateway, only allowing food to pass through when it's well mixed with gastric juices for digestion. The pyloric sphincter also regulates gastric emptying by providing resistance to flow and sieving particles as they pass through. When offensive food is taken and Food poisoning happens The sphincter stops functioning as a natural precaution. That means the food in the stomach has to be thrown out.
excerpts from : Mayo Clinic on Digestive Health. more  

Mr, Rana is right. The docs do say that taking antacids frequently does harm to the body. more  
We all common men think, burning sensation where as it is to qualified as acidity. Burning sensation is felt from throat to stomach. At times on back of the body. For digestion every four hurs pituitary gland drops hydrochlric acid, whcjreturn from easofagus to thtoat and burning srnsation is felt. This process is also known as GERD viz: G :: gas E :: easofagus R :: reflux D :: disease This gas enters into between bones as well in all joints. In many cases palm burning and feet burnings are observed. To avoid acid reflux keep eating good digestive food in evety four hours to avoid acid reflux. Eat more fibers, leafy vegitables. Avoid non veg deep fried, oily preserved foods. Enough sleep etc. This can benefit from reflux. more  
This is a serious problem. Gastro experts say continued consumption of antacids leads to ulcers and cancer. more  
Great picture. Indian environment and food more  
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