Addressing Water Supply - Actions Needed from Modi Govt 2.0
Below is a summary of the issues, root causes and solutions as proposed by you last year. Kindly review and if you have specific solutions that will help address water supply, please do share them.
Water Supply – Solutions
1.States should set up more water treatment plants
2.Regular water supply to houses should be ensured
3.New and latest technology should be used to purify water to make it fit for drinking
4.Teams should be set up to find broken/cracked pipelines and replace them
5.Water rates could be subsidised
6.A department should be set up to draw up the maintenance plan of the water pipelines and to ensure that it is carried out as per the plan
7.The process of applying for new connections should be streamlined and made online
8.The network of piped water supply should be widened with yearly plans
9.Overhead tanks should be installed in public toilets to ensure availability of water
10.Water and sewage pipes should be laid parallel to each other and should not overlap
11.Latest software/technology should be procured to detect leakage quickly and effectively
12.Social campaigns should be designed around teaching water management to people
13.Ground water extraction needs to be banned as it is deepening water level making source of water scarce
14.Mini Water Treatment Plants should be installed at various levels like Gram/Panchayat/Taluka
15.Installation of WATER ATM's is needed at several places along the pipeline
16.RWAs should be encouraged to adopt rain water harvesting
17.Institutions which install water-recycling plants should be given some kind of a tax concessions
18.Recycling is a must be made mandatory in all large buildings
19.In areas where water supply is scarce, water should be rationed based on the number of family members
20.People should be educated on reducing the wastage of water
21.The water supply department should also start rain water harvesting on a large scale to cater to the growing need in the peak months
22.For major cities on the seashore, desalination plants should be set up.
State of Water Supply - Root Causes
1.Water supply has not been planned properly
2.Water pipes and sewage pipes overlap each other
3.The number of water treatment plants is not enough
4.Water treatment plants are technologically very old
5.Water pipelines are very old and weathered out
6.Leakage identification takes a long time
7.Most of the people do not understand the need of water management
8.Corrupt officials let the bore-wells get dug without official approval
9.Too much water is being pumped out of the ground by residents
10. Unauthorised water connections in slum areas leads to drop in water pressure in other areas
11.Most of our water distribution networks in urban areas are not available in a digital format, hence it is very difficult to keep track and do maintenance of these systems
12.Lack of long term plans or laxity in implementation of plans for augmenting water sources and pipe lines
13.Inefficient, poor maintenance network
14.Slow induction of latest technology
Water Supply – Key Issues
1.Water supply is erratic
2.Water supply becomes even worse in summers
3. Water is dirty and non-drinkable
4. This non-drinkable water causes a lot of water borne diseases
5. Pipelines are broken
6. A lot of water is wasted due to the leakage in the pipelines
7.Public water system has no control, water wastage due to taps left open for hours together
8. Sewer water gets mixed up with drinking water
9.Water bills are very high
10.Corruption at water boards to get new connections
11.Bore-wells being dug without any approval
12. Ground water levels are depleting and pumps are not able to fetch water
13. Many areas do not have any piped water supply
14.No water available in most public toilets more