Adjournments are made by courts in callous ways. Courts should be accountable . Judge, Petitioners / Respondents must be penalized heavily for every adjournment. This fees must go on increasing for every adjournment and become a negative score on Judge/Petitioner/Respondent.
Our legal system with long delays is a shame and disgrace on 'MODERN' India. In our country everything is improving except courts. more  

True The judicial systems takes 1-2 complete years to reach to ARGUE level. Till this time documents, affidavits submission is prolonged. This time is killing, useless & non productive. Here many time passing tactics are played by LAWYERs. This time must be reduced to 4-6 months. If not judge must be hold responsible. Many delays must reduce judges credibility for promotions more  
1.Last year CJI declared that Pending Cases in District and Subordinate Courts accumulated to 2 Crores 60 lakhs which now stand at 2.78 Crore. This is after 1987 disclosure by S.C. Present CJI’s Mission 2019 should be achieved by Indian Judiciary and to be altogether supported by Indian Bar Councils and the Executive too. 2. Civil cases taking in an average 15 years time while Criminal cases being taken 5 to 7 years even to arrive at the 1st Stage in Courts. Public know the cases of Political Leaders that are taking beyond decades for convicting. Public also do not know about the Financial and Criminal Offence cases of Election Period are sued in the Court of Law and the concerned are penalized and imprisoned. 3. Inability/failure of Judiciary in [i] Speedy Trial [ii] Method opted in conclusion of Justice [iii] Authoritative responsibility of Constitutional Mandates and Provisions [iv] Sanctity and Justification of Political Rule [v] Sovereignty, Unity and Integrity of Nation in terms of Constitutional Directive Principles of Rule [vi] Punishment and penalties on False presentation, created evidences, concealing truth/facts in Courts/ Defamation awards, Orders on all such cases/issues INFACT NEED A SEPARATE BODY WITH VIGILANCE WING TOO since issues of corruption and misuse of authority are found in Judiciary also like in Policing ; Taxation ; Revenue ; Governance including wings of public administration ; Political Authority too . Or in other-way NJAC like independently empowered Body is needed TO BE FORMULATED AT NATIONAL INTEREST , HONOUR AND HERITAGE. more  
Sri Chakradhara Rao : H'ble CJI 's 1st object is on Speedy Justice ; Fast clearance of Accrued Cases ; Reforms regulating requisite procedural changes for achieving these 2 Top Priorities as he confined and staged while on taking over his possession. There is a need to move and urge for establishing a permanent Body that shall be responsible and empowered to administer the VISION and MISSION that need empowerment of Vigilance Wing too. Then only we , Indian general public , as well as the Constitutional mandates of Article 32 , 39-A and 226 can stand in support of guarantee contemplated in the Preamble of our Constitution. S..C. in earlier decades itself confined to this objective while concluding Judgments in the cases :- AIR 1979 SC 1369 on Speedy Justice ; AIR 1983 SC 624 on responsibility of S.C. ; AIR 1987 SC 1087 on Article 39-A ; AIR 1982 SC 149/ {1992} 4 SCC 305 ;;;;;; and, the most important order of Judiciary , [1987] 4 SCC 609. These 6 TOP IMPORTANT directive Judgments of Honourable Supreme Court had been grossly neglected and the whole concept of JUDICIARY was set aside by the willfully diversified Congress Party and their supportive allies. Many other most important Articles and mandates of the Constitution were also neglected and set aside by the same Congress Party and is the result of the pitiable status of Judicature and Justice in India. Dependence of majority of Citizen on Political Parties and local Political leaders had been managed at selfish interest of this Congress and allies keeping Indian Citizen away from EDUCATION , ADEQUATE MEANS OF LIVELIHOOD that are the essential basics of Life Article, 21. This inevitable dependency and lack of education could not sought / could not prefer / could not move the Indian Courts even though Constitutionally written-down mandates in regard to Justice and Justified Rule are guaranteed in the Preamble of the Constitution. This is why, we all preferred to join these to have good governance that provide and legitimate mandates of the Constitution AND, ABOVE ALL, THE TIME-BOUND JUSTICE WHICH IS THE NATURAL , MORAL , ETHICAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT OF A CITIZEN. We have joined together, keeping together and working together AND SHALL NOW NEED TO ACT TOGETHER PLEASE . At least our Unity , interest , dedication , and working together shall not be allowed to be HIJACKED . more  
[1987] 4 SCC 609 : S.C. laid down the following guidelines for the exercise of the right under Article 32 :- { MOST IMPORTANT }
1.The Scope of Art. 226 is wider than Art.32 . The parties first seek relief in the High Court and should come to the Supreme Court in appeal only .
2. Hearing of the case at the level of High Court is more convenient to the parties. It saves lot of time.
3. The High Court has its own tradition. They have eminent Judges, whose capacity should be utilised.
4. Every High Court has a good Bar. There eminent lawyers with wide experience, handle different kind of cases. They know history of every legislation in their State.
5. The Supreme Court has no time to decide cases pending before it for the last 10 to 15 years. With the present strength of Judges and will take more than 15 years to dispose of all pending cases .
6. If the cases are filed in the High Court the task of Supreme Court acting as an original court which is a time consuming can be avoided .
7. If cases which may be filed in the High Court are filed in this Court it would affect the initiative of the High Courts . We should preserve the dignity, majesty and efficiency of the High Courts. The taking over by this Court of the work of High Court may undermine the capacity and efficiency of the High Court and should be avoided.
8. The time saved by this Court by not entertaining the cases which may be filed before the High Courts can be utilised to dispose of old matters in which parties are crying for relief .

This case Judgment can be taken from Court record ; with every law graduate and in the Book of Dr.J.N. Pandey on Constitutional Law of India please. more  
Hmm, quite inspiring!

Read this and other posts by you makes me think that you must be an expert in Constitution.

Being a layman, how and where can I read Judgement of Case [1987] 4 SCC 609?

Hope to learn more, thanks. more  
In 2016 a CJI teared his eyes. 2017 a CJI proposed Joint meets with Executive. 2018 a CJI confined as How can a convicted politician run the Party ; nominate his proxy to Rule. Staged that Media is the Mother while speaking on gravity of Speech. All these also are issues to be considered on TOP PRIORITY . more  
This appropriate responsibility and authority was used till 80s. AIR 1979 SC 1369 mandated Speedy Trial. {1987} 4 SC 609 seriously staged on accumulated Cases. [1994] 1 SCC 243 confined that S.C. is responsible to Constitutional Provisions. {1996} 4 SCC 212 S.C. opined on "States if neglect" AND, S.C. directions HAD BEEN ignored by Executives since the 2nd Decade - refer AIR 1963 SC 649 on Reservations repeating again by AIR 1985 SC 1495. Below are the details in precise please. [1987] 4 SCC 609 : S.C. laid down the following guidelines for the exercise of the right under Article 32 :- { MOST IMPORTANT } 1.The Scope of Art. 226 is wider than Art.32 . The parties first seek relief in the High Court and should come to the Supreme Court in appal only . 2. Hearing of the case at the level of High Court is more convenient to the parties. It saves lot of time. 3. The High Court has its own tradition. They have eminent Judges, whose capacity should be utilised. 4. Every High Court has a good Bar. There eminent lawyers with wide experience, handle different kind of cases. They know history of every legislation in their State. 5. The Supreme Court has no time to decide cases pending before it for the last 10 to 15 years. With the present strength of Judges and will take more than 15 years to dispose of all pending cases . 6. If the cases are filed in the High Court the task of Supreme Court acting as an original court which is a time consuming can be avoided . 7. If cases which may be filed in the High Court are filed in this Court it would affect the initiative of the High Courts . We should preserve the dignity, majesty and efficiency of the High Courts. The taking over by this Court of the work of High Court may undermine the capacity and efficiency of the High Court and should be avoided. 8. The time saved by this Court by not entertaining the cases which may be filed before the High Courts can be utilised to dispose of old matters in which parties are crying for relief . In view of the Preamble emphasised for a Welfare State, the court established in AIR 1983 SC 624 “ the Courts have the responsibility to interpret the provisions of the Constitution in such a way so as to ensure the implementations of the directive principles and to harmonize the social objectives underlying the directives with the individual rights. This is the mandate of the Constitution not to the Legislature and the Executive only , but to the Courts as well . “ {1994} 1 SCC 243 “ If loss or injury is caused to a citizen by the arbitrary actions of State employees the State is liable to pay compensation to him . Public authorities who are entrusted with statutory function cannot act negligently . UNDER OUR CONSTITUTION SOVEREIGNTY IS VESTED IN THE PEOPLE. Every limb of the Constitutional machinery is obliged to be people oriented . .....” {1996} 3 SCC 212 “ If the Court finds that the Government or authorities concerned have not taken the action required of them by law and this has resulted in violation of the right to life of the citizens, it will be the duty of the Court to intervene . “ AIR 1963 SC 649 ..” It does not mean that once a caste is considered backward class then it should continue to be backward for all the time. The Government should review the test and if a class reaches the state of progress where reservation is not necessary it should delete that class from the list of the backward Classes “ AIR 1985 SC 1495 : directed 1. The Reservation in favour of the SCs. and STs. must continue as at present that is, without application of a means test. for a further period of 15 years . Another 15 years will make it 50 from the commencement of the Constitution , a period reasonably long for these classes to overcome the baneful effect of social oppression , isolation and humiliation ; 2. the means test, that is, the test of economic backwardness ought to be applicable even to the SCs. and STs. after 15 years { after 2000 AD } ; 3. so far other backward classes are concerned two tests should be applied :- a. that they should be comparable to the SCs. and STs. in the matter of their backwardness ; b. that they should satisfy the means test such as the State Government may lay down, in the context of prevailing economic conditions ; 4. the policy of reservations in employment , education and legislative institutions should be reviewed every five years or so. This will afford an opportunity to the State to rectify distortions arising out of particular facts of the reservation policy . more  
Details are given just to explain the inevitable stature of Indian Judiciary while only Executive/Legislatures had side tracked the provision of Justice to the general public. more  
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