After a "Watershed" Moment of a Blindfold Insecticides & Pesticides spray at the Agricultural field, City procurement centres & then Local Vegetable Mandiis bring an another deluge of Chemical Treatment on Fruits & Vegetables to bring out that Artificial Sheen & Shine at the cost of Human Health! What amount of Yogic Sessions will be able to De-Toxify our Bodies ever!? more  

We are waiting for the fit reforms on the issues compiled through these circles and I believe , minimum one month is delayed . The States and Central government co-ordination still to be concluded. Let us carry the strong belief for the fast success of Justice in all and for all . Constitutional governance is such vested on Political administration that bound to inter-Politics while the Political parties being habituated for a certain system of carry. more  
Respected Sir, National Capital--Delhi (& perhaps other parts as well) have become a categoric FIEFDOM of MAFIAS across every imaginable Domain. The Unions of Local Vegetable Mandiis are entrusted with the task of safeguarding the interests of Retailers at every instance of Enforcement/Crackdown by Govt. Officials. Mandii Mafias work under the "patronage" of the Food Supplies Department Inspectors, who in turn, are also able to gain Hefty Unscrupulous gains out of this Cartelization practices! What amount of "Public Awareness" will ever be able to inflict a massive Crackdown on the "Vested" Interests? more  
Cultivation methods so diversified evaporating the fertile qualities of Earth. Natural & Traditional Manure periodically is required to being the original fertility characters. Governments are to plan on this and Salt water wash at market yards itself beside educating the public . more  
Valid and very pertinent question. The government doesn't seem to be very concerned about this. more  
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