Youngsters have a passion for serving the defence forces but there is no scope for indiscipline in defence forces. They should stop violence, avail the opportunity provided by the centre, join the defence forces, utilize their energy to prove their mantle in hard fields and get permanent.
The defence forces are an organised family that provides the environment and opportunity to grow
I joined the army after matriculation. Thanks to Army for providing me with the opportunity to undergo post-graduation studies as a private candidate, secured the highest mark while deployed in the 1971 War Zone and got a permanent commission. There are large numbers of officers raised from the ranks in defence.
The youth should not dishearten in the case released by the army, join paramilitary forces or undertake studies and skill for employment after leaving the army.
Agnipath Scheme is helpful to modernize the army in the prevailing situation like Russia- Ukraine war as given below:-
India will have a young fighting force in the world.
A trained reserve force will be available in case outbreak of war.
A disciplined and skilled workforce is available which can be employed in defence manufacturing to achieve self-reliance in defence and export the arms for the growing arms race across the globe.
Trained and disciplined Ex Agniveers can join paramilitary forces and state police that would help to control riots, check crimes, eradicate corruption and smuggle drugs.
Employment opportunities for unemployed youth who are otherwise pushed to drugs, ruin their family and loss their life an early age
Ex-servicemen contribute to nation-building
Revise recruitment test terms and conditions, Introduce loyalty and integration tests and give priority to technical skill
To encourage youth to join Aganiveers, Invite defence forces officers raised from soldiers on national TV for debates
Educate the youth for its benefits and bright future of their children
Allow only peaceful protests and the centre should consider their genuine demands if any and strict action against those damaging property
Identify the youth who have protested peacefully despite pressure from political leaders and govt of their states to oppose it, because they are worthy, disciplined and can sacrifice their life to defend the country.
Reserve vacancies for Ex Agniveers in paramilitary forces and guarantee jobs after release.
Most important is there should not be any change in the regimental system because group identity is the pillar of our Infantry system. They have lived and breathed together in barracks and bunkers and they know and feel for each other as a band of brothers. They sacrifice their life defeating the enemy and save the life of their fellow brothers in operations more