AI regulations in India

India just seemed to have announced a blunder.

Every company deploying a GenAI model now requires approval from the government!

That is, you now need approval for merely deploying a 7b open source model

If you know the government, you know this will a huge drag! All forms will need to completed in triplicate and there will be a dozen hoops to jump through!

This is how monopolies thrive, countries decay and consumers suffer!

Sadly India is already dominated by monopolies, nepotism and bureaucracy and this new rule just made it far worse.

They needed to have restrictions on photo and video morphing nor usage and deployment of AI for all things good and governance and health and hundreds of others areas.

LC should take lead in working with the Government to get the AI policy right. more  

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Why do you require AI , when humans are more intelligent. It is farce, making ourselves addicted to some gadget or the other Or some technology or the other a farmer who uses his body to grow plants is far happy and Healthier > On 04-Mar-2024, at 2:55 PM, Sudesh Rai wrote: > >  > > > Sudesh Rai > Sudesh Rai posted a message in "Transforming India ". > Subject: AI regulations in India. > India just seemed to have announced a blunder. > > Every company deploying a GenAI model now requires approval from the government! > > That is, you now need approval for merely deploying a 7b open source model > > If you know the government, you know this will a huge drag! All forms will need to completed in triplicate and there will be a dozen hoops to jump through! > > This is how monopolies thrive, countries decay and consumers suffer! > > Sadly India is already dominated by monopolies, nepotism and bureaucracy and this new rule just made it far worse. > > They needed to more... > Reply Reply to this email to post a comment. > > If you believe that this post is inappropriate for this Circle, report it. > If you don't want to receive emails from us in future, please Unsubscribe. more  
Agreed Sudesh. This Government knows only one thing. How to control. The moment they feel they cannot control something, specifically expression of opinions, or viewpoints, they become so insecure that the first thing they do is brand it anti national, or worse, detrimental to national security. Then they pass laws to bring things under their control, so that only the Government controlled narrative is presented. Take Indian cinema, all media platforms, the internet (we top the world in internet shutdowns, beating places like China and Russia). It's disgusting, and what's worse are idiots supporting it. more  
It is not blunder, right thing govt did more  
Could you kindly elaborate? more  
Big companies can jump through the hoops with ease and is that not enough? more  
Of course approvals are necessary - they were always needed -invariably took time - that is how China has been able to outdo India in all overseas resource accessing...and how Hammantota base was created while India was pondering over the viability.. concerned office has to whet them thoroughly and expedite the processing, which hopefully present incumbency will achieve. more  
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