Aim of General Public in changing Governance in 2014 and 2019 Need Fulfilment
2) To Eradicate Fiscal Frauds in Govt Provisions, Banks, Financial Business Institutions, Manufacturing Industries, AND Other Private and Public Enterprises, Institutions of All Sectors of Service and Business.
3) To Reduce Social unrest on Account of Caste , Religion , Increasing SEX Provocations , Suicides , Molestations , Debaching and Export of Women AND Divorce Issues as well as Fraternity Safety and Security Guaranteed in the Constitution.
4) To compulsorily enjoy the Issues of EDUCATION, Adeq Means of Livelihood , and the Benefits out of ARRESTING WEALTH CONCENTRATION that are Contemplated and Guaranteed in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution.
5) Last but not the Least , TO CURB ENTRY AND ENTITLEMENT OF CONVICTED Criminals of any Moral and Financial Offences in ELECTIONEERING AND RULE IN THE COUNTRY.
All the 5 are possible only through Strict Mandates of Aadhar Card Linkage to All Sorts of Bank, Financial Transactions ; All other IDs including Voter Lists AND , MOBIL PHONES .
EXECUTIVE , H'ble PRESIDENT AND SUPREME COURT TO IMPLEMENT AND ENFORCE ALL THE above 1 to 5 as Fast as Possible starting with Revival of IPC , Reservations MAKING CLAUSE 2 to 6 of Article 19 AS COMPULSORY REASONABLE Restrictions Upholding the ultimate Natural Justice OF " NO RIGIHT IS ABSOLUTE " more
Our Legal Circle has to Help , move a Petition to H'ble President for Necessary Help AND BE READY TO PREFER A Pll in H'ble Supreme Court AS SOON AS POSSIBLE .
Issues of Citizenship , Infiltrators , Separatists , Economic inequalities , Striving Majority of General Public etc could also be moved in reference more