Air Quality in Indian Cities - Inputs
1. Break the automobile addiction! Use public transit or join a carpool. Better yet, ride your bike or use your feet. Even if each of us leaves our car at home just once a week, the reduction in emissions will be substantial.
2. Parking and walking is easier on the air than sitting with your motor running (idling) at drive-through restaurants and banks.
3. Don't idle. Idling is running the vehicle, instead of turning it off, when it’s sitting still or parked longer than 10 seconds (e.g., when you’re waiting for someone).
4. Keep your vehicle engine in top condition with a regular tune-up and an annual emissions check.
5. Use radial tires to cut down on tire drag and save gas. By inflating your tyres to the manufacturer's recommended pressure you'll save up to 10% on fuel consumption.
6.To keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer, follow these tips:
a)Insulate your home effectively and install a vapour barrier.
b)Caulk or weather strip cracks and holes, as well as windows and doors.
c)Install windows that are efficient at preventing heat loss. Plastic insulating sheets that can be attached to window frames are also effective heat savers.
d)Turn off the lights when you don't need them. You'll reduce your electricity consumption, and have lower bills, too!
e) A leaky hot water tap can waste up to 13,000 litres of water a year. If the faucets are fixed, they’ll save energy used to heat the water in the hot water tank.
f) Plant a tree or garden at home or school. Trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, and convert it to oxygen, which we need to breathe.
i) They can also help improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by introducing better technology and industrial practices.
ii)Beyond compliance with existing regulations, permit conditions and local bylaws, industrial operations can:
a)undertake voluntary measures;
b) reduce emissions when modernizing or expanding production processes;
c)participate in and support airshed planning; and
implement sectoral initiatives such as Responsible Care; ISO standards.
d) establishing the Green Environment Fund to stimulate investments in innovative environmental-infrastructure projects and practices with Ministry of Environment heading the Fund with Regional Offices headed by the concerned State Ministry.
e) to create awareness through National Pollution Board how to dispose off and recycled by the Industrial, Commercial and Business establishments/facilities towards environmental friendly measures to be taken up for the betterment of Air Quality more