ajinomotoin patanjali nooodles
I stronly believe that most diseases of present day are a result of 'research and development' which has given way to introduce new food products mostly copied and or brought by foreign cos. Aim of these cos is profit and not human health and welbeing! Genetic Engineering is the new buz word. No one knows what this engineering does to humans in the next few generations!
India has a rich tradition of Ayurveda which specifies food habits, when to eat or not to eat; what, which foods to mix and which ones not to mix etc. Western science, especially companies in food industry care two hoots for any of these rules. Otherwise so many Colas, artificial fruit juices, essences and food processing chemicals would not have come. Present generation, even well educated, fall a prey to ads and promotions and do not think for even a second before consuming. Result : both Food and Pharma Industries are prospering at the cost of human welbeing. A recent article says that Pharma Industry, across the world are the biggest holders of illegal money in Swiss and other tax havens! Need anything more to be said? more