All about GST

Some members shared an update. Here is impact to business and consumers.

What is GST

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a single indirect tax for the whole nation, one which will make India a unified common market. It is a single tax on the supply of goods and services, right from the manufacturer to the consumer. The GST Bill was introduced in Lok Saba in 2009 by erstwhile UPA government but they failed to get it passed. The NDA government introduced a ‘slightly modified’ version of the GST Bill in the Parliament and both the Houses passed it. Through GST, the government aims to create a single comprehensive tax structure that will subsume all the other smaller indirect taxes on consumption like service tax, etc. Touted to be a major game changer, in the words of Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley ‘it will lead to the financial integration of India’.
Currently, tax rates differ from state to state. GST will ensure a comprehensive tax base with minimum exemptions, will help industry, which will be able to reap benefits of common procedures and claim credit for taxes paid. GST, as per government estimates, will boost India's GDP by around 2 per cent.

Why GST needed

GST will break the complicated structure of separate central and state taxes which often overlap with each other to create a uniform taxation system which will be applicable across the country. Taxes will be implemented more effectively since a network of indirect taxes like excise duty, service tax, central sales tax, value added tax (VAT) and octroi will be replaced by one single tax. The state will still have a say in taxation, as the number of taxes will be reduced to three with Central GST, State GST and Integrated GST for inter-state dealings.

GST rates

The GST Council, headed by Jaitley and of which all states Finance Ministers are members, has approved four main tax slabs -- 5 per cent, 12 per cent, 18 per cent and 28 per cent that aims to lower tax incidence on essential items and to keep the highest rate for luxury and demerits goods. The lowest rate of 5 per cent will be on items of mass consumption which are used particularly by common people. The second and third category of standard rates of 12 and 18 per cent will accommodate most of the goods and services. The fourth slab of 28 per cent is levied mainly on white goods such as refrigerators, washing machines etc.

Exemptions under GST:

Under GST, the government has fixed GST rates on 1,211 goods and 500 services in the range of five to 28 per cent. Certain items such as alcohol, petrol, diesel and natural gas will be exempt under the GST. In addition to these, the GST Council has also classified certain items under the 0 per cent tax rate, implying that GST will not be levied on them. This list includes items of daily use such as wheat, rice, milk, eggs, fresh vegetables, meat, fish, sindoor, bindi, stamps, judicial papers, printed books, newspapers, bangles, handloom, bones and horn cores, bone grist, bone meal, kajal, children's' picture, drawing or colouring books, human hair,
Some services such as education, healthcare, hotels and lodges with tariff below Rs 1,000, grandfathering service have also been kept out of the GST purview. Rough precious and semi-precious stones will, however, attract GST rate of 0.25 per cent.

GST Impact

On salaried employees, self-employed professionals

GST is applicable mainly for businesses and hence won’t directly affect the salaried class and self-employed professionals such as doctors, lawyers etc. However, it will impact their expenses due to the change in rates of goods and services they avail. Other than that, they will continue to pay their income tax like before. The medical sector has been exempted from GST.

On businesses

The GST is all set to change the way businesses have operated until now. The elimination of multiple levies and creation of a single market with fewer tax rates and fewer tax exemptions will improve the ease of doing business and reduce avoidable litigation. It also untangles a complex web of taxes that businesses have been subjected to under the existing system. However, these advantages are only going to be visible in the long run. At the moment, businesses are clearly unsure about what the immediate impact will be. Other than the unpredictability over the increase in the headline tax rate on many items being offset by the extra tax credits on raw materials and services, as claimed by the government, adopting to a whole new online system is a task in itself.

The taxes GST will subsume

Industries and commercial enterprises currently pay various taxes at various stages of a product or service, such as manufacture, transport, wholesale, logistics and retail. The administration of these taxes is often tangled in paperwork, resulting in slow inter-state movement of products and increased costs for consumers. GST will replace at least 17 existing indirect taxes being levied by the Centre and states.
This includes Central Excise Duty, Duties of Excise (medicinal and toilet preparations), Additional Duties of Excise (goods of special importance), Additional Duties of Excise (textiles and textile products), Additional Duties of Customs (commonly known as CVD), Special Additional Duty of Customs (SAD), Service Tax, Cesses and surcharges in so far as they relate to supply of goods or services, State taxes that the GST will subsume (all Central taxes); State VAT, Central Sales Tax, Purchase Tax, Luxury Tax, Entry Tax (all forms), Entertainment Tax (not levied by local bodies), Taxes on advertisements, Taxes on lotteries, betting and gambling, State cesses and surcharges (all state taxes).
All these taxes will be replaced by Central GST, State GST and Integrated GST (on every inter-state supply of goods and services). Once implemented, consumers will not be subjected to the burden of double taxation. The final consumer will bear only the GST charged by the last dealer in the supply chain, with set-off benefits at all the previous stages.


GST brings benefits to all the stakeholders of industry, government and the consumer. It will lower the cost of goods and services, give a boost to the economy and make the products and services globally competitive. Besides, it aims to remove the economic barriers, thus paving the way for an integrated economy at the national level. GST is also pegged to improve competitiveness and improve liquidity of the businesses. Besides widening the tax base and improving the taxpayer compliance, GST will help in improving the country’s ranking in the ‘Ease of Doing Business Index’. India is currently ranked 130 out of 190 countries in World Bank Group's annual report on the ease of doing business.
The new tax regime is largely technology driven. It will reduce the human interface to a great extent and this will definitely lead to speedy decisions. Also, all imported goods will be charged integrated tax (IGST) which is equivalent to Central GST + State GST. This will bring equality with taxation on local products. GST will also help boosting Indian exports in the international market, improving the balance of payments position. Exporters with clean record will be rewarded by getting immediate refund of 90 per cent of their claims arising on accounts of exports, within a week period of time.
According to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, GST will boost economic growth by as much as 2 per cent. This will, in turn, reduce the budget deficit and help the government to allocate more funds for development projects. more  

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Will the GST paid by intermediaries be automatically refunded as soon as the next stage sale take place?. It seems to me that Government will accumulate the receipts and play with the refund thus entailing more working capital requirement by the enterprises involved in the process from start to finish in manufacturing / distribution functions. If that happens then prices of goods & services will go up in the long run. There will be no control on it like the MRP printed on goods at present. I have a feeling that the whole process will be a new maze of hassles with a different name. As such, the GST rates have been put up very high in comparison with international standards and Petroleum products which reflects directly / indirectly in the cost of things of daily use have been kept out of the purview of GST to squeeze money out of the economy for so called public investment which is again a organised loot. Let's hope it really helps in reducing prices of common use for masses in the long run, otherwise it will be another bureaucratic behemoth. In 3 years of BJP Government, citizens have been fed only on JUMLA and the prices of goods & services have only gone up in spite of all Government & supporting media with vested interest claiming to the contrary. Many of the NPAs of financial institutions is because of wrong policy pursued by the Government & its departments. Nobody talks about them because nobody wants to criticize the policy of the Government due to the fear of repercussions and continues to pursue the process of MILI BHAGAT for survival and flourishing business. more  
Allow me to contribute a layman's understanding of the GST. 1. Introduction of GST will remove the currently applicable taxes such as VAT, service tax, excise duty (?) , etc. 2. GST = CGST (Central Goods and Services Tax) plus SGST (State Goods and Services Tax). GST earned on the sale of a product will be divided in two equal parts, one part will go to the Centre and the other half to the State in which the product is sold. 3. If products manufactured in State 1 are sent to State 2, then an IGST (Integrated Goods and Services Tax) will be paid by the the importer in State 2. This figure will be the same as GST = CGST + SGST. And then the State 2 will charge GST on the sale of goods and hence be compensated for the IGST. In other words, IGST has no real identity, it will be "washed out" when goods are sold in State 2 and they charge GST to the consumers. 4. If only part of the imported volume is sold in State 2 and the rest is transferred into State 3, then the importer in State 3 will pay the IGST and shall recover this when the products are sold in State 3. 5. If goods enter an Indian State from abroad (foreign territory), the importer will pay the IGST (customs duty is not included in this IGST). The importer will charge GST to their clients on sale and hence shall be compensated for the paid IGST. No loss at all to the importer. In other words, imported product shall be subjected to the same GST as goods manufactured in India (today imported goods are levied less taxes than goods manufactured in India). Living the same GST on imported goods as is levied on goods manufactured in India will subsequently encourage "make in India" and discourage foreign imports. A significant change which will encourage/induce foreign manufacturers to "make in India". The reason why this important step can be implemented only after total concurrence of the various States of India is because all States have to agree to share the GST 50:50. Presently, difference Indian States had different taxation modus operandi. Now, everything will come under one hat. Allow me to mention that I have in the past sixty years of my life seen this mode of taxation introduced in Germany and later on in Singapore, and, believe me, all initial skepticism disappears in a relatively short time. We humans have the biggest capability of "adaptation"! Let's hope it works! more  
Thanks Dutta Saab, very useful information. No dobut GST is going to bring sea change in the way we do business in India. It is technology driven and hence bereft of human interference and associated corrupt practices across the Government Agencies. The move will atleast clean up many redundant practices followed earlier and usher in transparency across all transactions. It is indeed a game changer and let us welcome the mammoth initiative by our Government despite its initial teething jerks. Action is better than inaction. There are going to be hindrances, jerks and hiccups initially but that is expected .. more  
I don't know why our ruling Government is in haste? Why they want to do so many things in so very short time is known to them only? They say first do the things & if problem crop up we will see it later on. In fact it should be just the opposite. First home work should have been done properly with all the considerations given to the possible causes for its failure. We saw that demonetization failed due to the same reasons. No proper planning was done & brought about the change one fine evening & the result was it created havoc with all the businessmen, which has not improved till today. With the advent of GST more problems are going to be there for the businessmen. I want to know from the Government 1. Do you feel that our 100% public is Computer savvy & can easily operate the Computer for any & every type of office work? 2. Can every person afford to pay Rs 25,000-Rs 30,000 for the specially prepared software for GST? 3. Do our rural & partly our urban people understand English language properly. 4. When other Countries have only one rate of GST then why India is going with four GST Rates? 5. Why Liquor, Petrol, Diesel & LPG not covered under GST? Because it has 21% VAT & 18% Excise & so if they are taken under 28% gambit then Government will have to pay from their pocket for ITC. 6. How one dealer can take care of the other dealer for paying the GST on time & properly? 7. How can one dealer take the responsibility of the other dealer to file his returns on time so that he can get his ITC on time. 8. Do we think our public to be fool proof that they will not make any mistake while filing their returns? 9. Under what considerations so many items which were under 6% VAT are directly taken under 28%? 10. Why Medicines are not considered under GST, which are high valued & are not easily available in the country? 11. Why the old stationery is asked to be dumped & come with new stationery & that too in very complicated version of Excel? 12. Why E.way Bill every time for the items above Rs 50,00.00 even to send the material from Go-down to shop & vice versa? 13. Why no value for the stock purchased more than a year back & how do you feel the old stock will be sold maximum within 6 month's time? There are 50 more questions which I can ask but due to my limitations I am completing my questions. Can anybody answer these questions to the satisfaction of all & then we will salute the Government? more  
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