Allow hot water in Railway Pantry Platforms

Now a days ready to eat from snacks to tea to coffee are available in the market. Only thing you have to mix it with hot water. If Railway decides to supply the same through pantry cars or on platform at a price, it will be a very useful cost effective breakfast/ meal for passengers because despite all efforts Railway is simply supplying filth grade animal grade food on Railway. It will benefit passengers as they can enjoy poha upma, maggi , tea coffee while travelling.
I also suggest that a mini packet containing two slices of bread a butter chiplet be made available on pantry car and platforms so that passengers can enjoy tea bread butter or sandwich. As these are standardised products, these will be cheap and hygience alternative to otherwise filth grade railway food. more  

View all 11 comments Below 11 comments
It is a good idea no doubt. Railways have to do it gradually. Most of the long distance trains go with tanks empty. That has to be rectified. * Periodic refilling of tanks, even the sleeper class and unreserved class where the demand for more water is there as more passengers travel. * The leaks should be repaired, even if it is one tap. more  
Good business proposal without much investment and convenient to passengers. Like tea vendors there can be Hot water vendors too. This will be useful to small kids , patients and senior citizens. more  
Don't understand comments by some people regarding halal. In a life or death situation, on an operating table, does one check if blood transfusion is done with halal certificate? more  
govt should first of all ask the catering personnel to improve quality or cancel them . more  
But came to know all such ready mix pouches are halal certified which is unacceptable. more  
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