An Appeal to PM: Hang the Rapists
Rapists and murders are being awarded Life Imprisonment even in heinous crime of rape and murder. Even if death sentence is awarded in a rarest of rare case it is not executed for a number of years and finally converted to life imprisonment.
Even those serving life imprisonment are given remission. The end result is that there is no fear of law.
There is urgent need to enact new law for rape, with no provision of Appeal beyond High Court and no provision for life imprisonment. Only death sentence and the criminal should be hanged within 30 days of award of sentence. This will create fear in the minds of prospective rapists.
This may appear to be very harsh and human rights activists, who are concerned about human rights of criminals and not victims, will protest.
The fact of the matter is that a sentence of life imprisonment is punishment to tax paying public. Another fact is that under present conditions in prisons and corruption, a prisoner does not get reformed but becomes a hardened criminal, who is a threat to society when released. A recent case of a rapist out on bail who tried to abduct a minor girl, who was saved by some citizens.
I request all members to comment and request Local Circles to bring this to the attention of government. more