Animal Cruelty false accusition

Dear Friends, I need a legal assistance. The issue is a regarding a colony dog. One of my neighbor was feeding a colony dog on the apartment staircase, and the dog started sleeping on the staircase whole day. Me being a person bitten by dog earlier extremely scared or dogs, started shooing the dog with small stick and some time small size stones (never hurt the dog). Each day while going out I need to do this circus most of the time.

One day while doing this, the dog suddenly pounced on me repeatedly. Neighbors complained to the city corporation and took the dog away and brought the dog back after few days.

But the lady who is feeding the dog has a cctv in front of her house. The lady now joined with a animal activist, registered a FIR in a local police station siting I'm committing animal cruelty by showing only pics me with sticks and stone.

Could you please lend me legal assistance with what could be the course of future action from police and what step I need to take as per the legal course.

Thanks in advance. more  

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If we want to make smart cities the dogs have to be removed from cities. there is no concept of street or stray dogs in developed nations, Go abroad and see for yourself. Where as in PCMC and pune alone there were 24000 approx dog bite cases. Rabies is fatal if one doesn't get treatment. Every one knows that. And the worst part is only 11000 anti rabies hv been provided by the MC's and people have to go to private doctors and and pay hefty sum to get the anti rabies vaccine. Two of my close family members got bitten aged father at 84 years of age and when my daughter was 12 years . Considerable sum had to be spent to get the injection from private sources besides agony and unwarranted distress. These so called animal rights activists are animal rights extremists and are grossly confused supporting street dogs. Dogs have to be removed from streets by putting them in govt funded pens as well as by putting excess population to sleep. Anyone found feeding stray dogs must be fined 10000 rupees and jailed. The supreme courts have passed orders that no one should feed the monkeys, the same rule should be applied for street dogs. Why can't these animal lovers donate money and make dog pounds to keep these dogs in fenced areas if they feel so charitable? more  
trying to send it some other right habitat centers or those take care him properly because dog / animal always go where they got food or space for sleeping etc, not go on road in metro cities due to scarcity i.e why animal moving around to and fro in streets of cities/colonies ....... more  
Dear Madam, You can present the case to SPCA, if materials can help you more  
You should file a civil suit against the lady and claim damages besides directions to her to maintain the dog in her house if she so desired. Such an order will also help you in the FIR because orders of a civil court are acceptable in a criminal court but not vice versa. more  
Stop trying to defend yourself and accept moral responsibility, street dogs are being treated as children by some humans living around the block, am sure you are a humane person and would not want someone else's child being treated the way you did treat the poor animal. This is a public platform on which you have posted for help... am in no way trying to harass you but attempting to educate you in a positive way by providing you with knowledge for you to spread in the society and help others too and not create another group of anti-street dogs. Please learn to co-habitat this is for the best of everyone more  
This is a more elaborate module on street dogs more  
I have already given you the links for the same. more  
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