Anti notational statements by political leaders - curbs needed
This is final that it is a law after passing it from both Houses of Parliament but the purposeful statement issued is helping our enemy country and a cause of misunderstanding by affected locals of the state and gives fuel to the anti govt elements .
They must be a law to silence them as it is detrimental at a time it is being handled with great care .
Democracy is also to be understood as becoming responsible to the security of this country specially in politically delicate times .
False propaganda as in Al zajeera tv and other regional channels just pick up false news accidentally by not verifying the source .
Home ministry should keep track and block them or warn them through IB. more
They are now afraid off the present UT Status of JK that do not allow UNDUE POLITICISM .
They are also afraid of the new thinking of JK People ever preferring to be a UT TO HAVE REAL BENEFITS OF CONSTITUTION LIKE Safety Security and Fraternity in their Territory.
The Speech of Ladhak MP in Parliament supporting Sqash of Articles 370 and 35 A charging Congress etc ITSELF SHOW WHAT THE PEOPLE OF Jammu and Kashmir never once again fall in the clutches of the Political Parties .
Un- defined and un- Regulated ' National Integrity , eased Privacy ' EVER SUPPORTS SUCH UNDER THE SHADE OF POLITICAL DEMOCRACY. more