Any Alternative cure for Rheumatic Arthritis

Any Alternative cure for Rheumatic Arthritis more  

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..................................... Gb would like to stay in touch on LinkedIn. Gb Luthria President at Lions Club Mumbai Sujok Mumbai Area, India View profile Confirm that you know Gb ..................................... Unsubscribe: Help: You are receiving Invitation emails. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You May Know. This email was sent to © 2018 LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2. LinkedIn is a registered business name of LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn. more  
Take boiled veges/self prepared veg soups instead of fried/deep fried ones. Avoid more sour/citrus/cool/preserved/more processed/ market prepared/fast/junk/salted /canned foods/milk/bakery products/sea salts/white crystal sugars/more of tea coffee. Should have herbal/green tea. Use lukewarm water or water kept in copper vessel. Sit at least for 10 minutes to 45 minutes before sun,with your face backwards or rotating body position every now n then. Have body massage with herbal oils followed by steam bath,and ayurvedic medicine-Balarishth,and rest with body blanket/bed sheet covered for half an hour. more  
I have personally been cured of pain in knee joints using Mahayograj Guggul. But I also agree that verification of vitamin D3 and B12 deficiency and if so found, appropriate supplements are also necessary as a treatment to the problem. Control on food, pranayams, asanas must also continue in parallel to help the patient recoup with minimum medication. more  
I have heard that an ayurvedic preparation using Mahayograj Guggul helps. more  
Dear Azaz, In deed any arthritis is the result of bone decay, means new bone tissues are not forming in body. So we must get tested of vitamin D3 & B12 in our body if these are in low range take appropriate supplements along with regular exercises. more  
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