Appointing celebrities to solve core problems :

Appointing celebrities rather than fixing the core problem :

The approach of Swatchh Bharat appeared good in the beginning when they formed local circles to elicit information and valuable suggestions. But after realizing the challenges to keep India clean the whole system seems had shifted from reality and to resort to some easy methods to divert the attention of its failure.

The Swatchh Bharat instead of spending huge amounts and time to advertise through the celebrities should adopt a process oriented approach with all the inputs from the valuable circle members. Some of them were :

* consciendize the public on the civic sense .
* Provide sufficient collection bins commensurate with the capacity to produce Garbage.
* Bring in a new work culture in Garbage collection to suit the generation and the quality of garbage for instance Bio degradable , non degradable .All this needs more man hours to tide over the situation . The present man hours is not at all sufficient . The whether the existing staff and their services are utilized to the full ? If not the duty is to supervise to utilize to the full capacity.
* If the above is done , that the existing staff and their man hours are utilized fully and yet more required only then hire additional staff . Celebrities will not do the job that the situation requires . Even the Ministers taking the broom on a day for their own publicity will end after the photo and the article appears in the Media.
* Instead of celebrities an appeal by the concerned Ministers in the media for a week in every language should be much more effective. Side by side they should also motivate the workers . They cant expect students senior citizens and citizens to do the cleaning , which should have been done by the paid Municipal workers.
*Media can play a great role to consciendize the magnitude of the problem and also seek co operation for people .
As most of the above failed or wasn’t implemented the final and most effective step is arrived at :

All this boils down to Prevention, Segregation , periodic collection , recycling ,composting , destroying , disposal more  

View all 42 comments Below 42 comments
Thanks for the lovely description of truth. more  
a person should think by heart,that swachh is the ultimate reqired. On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 12:58 PM, Jayakumar Daniel <> wrote: > more  
1.Once the government offices and properties are cleaned that will motivate the people. without following swatch Bharat in government offices ,preaching to public will not fruitful. 2. The persons/authorities responsible for lapse of swatch bharat funds need to explain. 3. Single officer/authority be made responsible for success or failure of swatch bharat in each city/town/village. more  
"Charity begins at home"........that's where the start-button needs to be pressed! more  
State governments and the municipalities who are the key figures and primarily responsible to implement the provisions to make the country clean in letter and spirit, have utterly failed to do that. They are more interested in fund allotment and its misutilisation rather than making the country clean in a ground reality. They get funds from the Centre for construction of toilets in each household, spend the money but the people continue to urinate/defecate in open as usual as no toilets are constructed in reality. Likewise, funds are allotted to them for waste management systems, which is never done but the entire money is gulped. Such instances are endless to quote. By birth we have learnt to live in uncleaned & dirty atmosphere and surroundings as also to adopt uncivilised & dirty ways to live without bothering for anything and any one. Trying to educate people to learn to live clean leaving their decades old habits would take another decade and would only be wastage of money, energy and time. We must enforce our laws in this regard strictly, make the concerned accountable for their failure in implementation without exception and ensure that every citizen follows the directives and instructions in this regards meticulously and then only can expect success. more  
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