Auto-immune Hepatitis in 10 yr old girl child
After taking suggestions from an earlier post on "Auto-immune Hepatitis" disorder in 10 year old girl, we are strictly adhering to the natural diet as suggested by Sankaran Manipuzha (President & Chief Consultant at Naturla Hygiene Association, Vadodara, Gujarat) and are also in consultation with a Naturopath in our locality. I could see some improvements in liver function test reports. "Serum Alkaline Phosphate" levels are at 219 (Ref: 32-92) and serum IgG levels is at 17 (ref: 6.39-14.39). Now its close to 4 months when we started giving diet as suggested. But there is very minor bleeding sometimes from nose. Can somebody tell me how to get a cure for this. Are these tests good enough to say that the health of the child is improving ? As I don't see a way to establish a direct contact with anyone or share reports in earlier thread, I couldn't respond to some of the requests on the earlier thread, that's why posting it again. more