Avoid Credit Card Debt Tips
One cardinal mistake people make is to use their credit cards for purchasing what they cannot afford to buy in cash. They overspend or go beyond their means. Think of your credit card as a temporary susbstitute to cash that you will have to shell out over the next billing cycle. The moment you think you can "manage" things later and make purchases beyond your affordability, you have stepped into unchartered territory. Very soon you will have spend much more than you can afford and trying to keep afloat in a sea of debt.
Pay your balance in full each month
If you want to avoid getting into credit card debt, make sure you are paying off your outstanding balance in full each month. That way you will never carry over your balance over to the next billing cycle thus avoiding the minimum amount to be paid trap. The reason we call it a trap is that by paying your minimum amount due each month you are only paying off your interest component and other charges that does not reduce your outstanding balance substantially.
Don't give your credit card to others
Friendship is in its own palace, but do not be magnimous and hand over your credit card to a friend, especially one who is reckless with his finances. If he hasn't got a credit card in the first place, perhaps his CIBIL report is not so great and the bank did not think of him as creditworthy. He may promise to pay you back the funds immediately, but if he does not, it is your credit that is at stake and you may be stuck in a debt trap for no fault of yours. Besides it can do substantial damage to your CIBIL score.
Do not ever consider a cash advance on your credit card
If you are thinking of taking a cash advance on your credit card, you have obviously not done things right. A cash advance may seem like a plausible and quick fix solution when you need funds in an emergency, but it is indeed the costliest credit. Cash advances on credit cards are charged as high as 35-50%. It is therefore a very high intrest loan, much higher than any other loan product.
Also, do bear in mind that even if your pay fixed amounts as credit card repayments each month, you credit card issuer will first use your payments to offset your regular balance first and then apply the remainder of your payment for the repayment of your cash advance. This means your cash advance will continue to accrue a high rate of interest. Furthermore, if you miss even a single repayment, you will end up paying a hefty amount to your credit card company as a late payment fee will be added to your interest charge. Cash advances are thus nowhere close to the quick fix solution that you had thought of it as.
As you can gauge by now, your credit card is quite a lethal piece of plastic that can get you into a debt trap sooner than you can imagine! What's more it can destroy your CIBIL score. To ensure that your credit card does not land you in trouble, make sure that you are using your card responsibly and paying off your balances in full. On the other hand, if you are using your card responsibly, it can be a good means to build a credit history that earns you a high CIBIL score. more