Avoidance of Bad Airs & Bad Smells breathing is a must for defeating the Carona Virus

As per several medical experts' debates , I captured the following information .

'Avoidance of Bad Airs & Bad Smells breathing is a must for defeating the Carona Virus' . Well ! How to go about it ?

Normally, by mask-protection outside homes , we are safeguarding ourselves and our ENT (Ear+Nose+Throat) functional efficacy from the threat of the caronavirus. The question of safety arises as to what to be done when we are in home-toilets(HTs) primarily and in home-bathrooms( HBs) secondarily. Doesn't it ? The HTs + HBs combined poses the risk of what the experts call Bad Breathing of Bad Airs & Bad Smells .

In spite of small windows of the HTs + HBs for continuous fresh air inflows from time to time, unfortunately it may not likely to happen so when we are inside the HTs+HBs for answering the natural calls. The problem may not be severe in HBs but not so with regard to the HTs, when one is inside.
The so-called air-fresheners available in markets are installed above the head on the wall in the HTs but not at our sitting-level heights in the HTs.

Consequently, bad air generated in the natural process in the HTs plus water applications , combinedly force the bad smells circulate near our ENT System and then above the head of the person answering the natural call, say,for about 15 minutes approximately. Therefore , the experts are right and we are exposed to difficult HTs followed by difficult HBs which allow covid-19 clustering inside our ENT-Biology . more  

View all 9 comments Below 9 comments
Thank you for the post.We must educate our sensel;ess and mad population about this, more  
If your Bath Room and Toilets are fitted with Exhaust Fans. Then what is the impact? Does the Bacteria and Virus goes away? more  
Well said - avoid Bad Air & Bad Smell breathing for defeating the Carona Virus" more  
One can make a ghost of anything presently.This virus is unpredictable & may take years of research to get the correct information.Firstly it's not a bacteria which can be killed.It is virus which can go anyway more  
Thank you ๐Ÿ™. more  
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