Avoidance of Bad Airs & Bad Smells breathing is a must for defeating the Carona Virus
'Avoidance of Bad Airs & Bad Smells breathing is a must for defeating the Carona Virus' . Well ! How to go about it ?
Normally, by mask-protection outside homes , we are safeguarding ourselves and our ENT (Ear+Nose+Throat) functional efficacy from the threat of the caronavirus. The question of safety arises as to what to be done when we are in home-toilets(HTs) primarily and in home-bathrooms( HBs) secondarily. Doesn't it ? The HTs + HBs combined poses the risk of what the experts call Bad Breathing of Bad Airs & Bad Smells .
In spite of small windows of the HTs + HBs for continuous fresh air inflows from time to time, unfortunately it may not likely to happen so when we are inside the HTs+HBs for answering the natural calls. The problem may not be severe in HBs but not so with regard to the HTs, when one is inside.
The so-called air-fresheners available in markets are installed above the head on the wall in the HTs but not at our sitting-level heights in the HTs.
Consequently, bad air generated in the natural process in the HTs plus water applications , combinedly force the bad smells circulate near our ENT System and then above the head of the person answering the natural call, say,for about 15 minutes approximately. Therefore , the experts are right and we are exposed to difficult HTs followed by difficult HBs which allow covid-19 clustering inside our ENT-Biology . more