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Make food your medicine, not medicine your food: Hippocrate - the creator of Hippocratic Oath for doctors says. Please consult your as I am not doctor. For lungs, an apple a day is a very good recovery fruit. You may try. more  
I would recommend you to consult DR P K SRIVASTAVA, Noida. He is a very experienced, God Loving NADI SHASTRA. His mobile #9958390446 .... D S Virmani 9313284398 more  
sir my mobile no 9869562982 more  
Dear Sandeep,

I am extremely sorry for your sufferings, and pray for your speedy recovery. I would sincerely appreciate if you could update your WhatsApp number in your profile, so that I can contact you over the phone to discuss the treatment plan for you. I am in Australia right now, and will reach India around 20th of this month. You may contact me on my WhatsApp number from my profile on or after the above given date.

In the meantime, I would suggest the following herbal medicines for your present state of sufferings to bring best possible results:

1. Liv.52 (Himalaya) - Two tablets twice a day after meal.

2. Arogya Vati (Patanjali) - Two tablets twice a day after meal.

3. Chandraprabha Vati (Patanjali) - One tablet twice a day after meal.

4. Kanchnar Guggulu (Patanjali) - Two tablets twice a day after meal.

5. Mentat (Himalaya) - One tablet twice a day after meal.

6. Swamala (Shree Dhootapapeshwar) - One teaspoon chutney twice a day with a cup of cow's warm milk after meal.

Home Remedies:
1. Eat oats with cow's milk daily at breakfast time by adding few small cut pieces of dried fruits, jaggery or honey for better taste and to nourish the body. Avoid consuming sugar completely since sugar is considered as white poison and it's consumption is one of the greatest factors for many health sufferings.

2. Eat carrot, cucumber, cabbage and radish in salad.

3. Eat good amount of seasonal sweet fruits after meal or in between the meals to receive extra fiber for the body.

4. Eat walnuts and other dry fruits daily to nourish your body and mind.

5. In case of acidity and gastric disorders, take equal quantity of coriander (Dhaniya), cumin (Jeera) and fennel (Saunf) seeds to measure one teaspoon. Boil them in a glass of water until the water turns into golden colour. Strain and drink twice a day after meal to treat acidity, gases and indigestion. The decoction of coriander, cumin and fennel in equal quantity is useful in relieving acidity and abdominal cramps due to flatulence. Cumin helps to stimulate liver to secrete more bile thus leading to improve appetite and healthy digestion. Cumin also helps to promote heart health, controls blood pressure, treats hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) and sleep disorders.

6. Boil half teaspoon home made turmeric powder and quarter teaspoon black pepper powder in a glass of cow's milk until the same turns into dark yellow colour. Strain and drink milk twice a day before breakfast and dinner. Add some jaggery to make the milk delicious if you are not a diabetic patient. I feel it pertinent to mention that in order to obtain best possible results of turmeric milk home remedy, it is extremely important to add black pepper into milk to make the turmeric bioavailability, and thus the curcumin in turmeric gets absorbed by each and every cells of the body, and helps in treating critical health issues to bring best possible results. Turmeric milk home remedy is extremely effective in treating cold, cough, infections, allergies, itching, inflammation, joint and Muscular pain, asthma, and diseases related to liver, kidney, lungs, heart, and all types of cancers.

7. Wrap two peeled garlic cloves in a piece of wet dates and eat them daily for one month before breakfast to treat high levels of cholesterol and triglyceride to bring them under normal limits. Garlic being good source of Manganese, Vitamin B1, B6, Selenium, Vitamin C, Calcium, Phosphorus, Copper, Protein and Sulphur, it makes it a potent natural antibiotic against toxic bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungus. Garlic is anthelmintic and having anti-clotting properties, it is considered as one of the most popular herbs to prevent blood cells (platelets) from becoming too sticky by checking stickiness in blood; the risk of formation of blood clots in blood vessels is prevented. Garlic is also effective in treating muscles and joint pains, cold, cough, asthma, hepatitis B (HBV), tuberculosis (TB), HIV and critical skin diseases. Garlic is useful because of its potent action against pain and inflammation. It also helps to treat backache, sciatica, slip disc and sexual weakness. Diabetic patients should avoid taking dates.

8. In case of excessive body heat, burning urination and burning sensation in palms and feet during hot and humid weather, or due to other health reasons, drink barley boiled water several times daily. You will need two tablespoon barley grains to be boiled in one litre of water, and hence take sufficient barley grains to boil them in sufficient water as per your daily need of drinking water. Boiled barley water is also effective in treating urinary tract infections (UTI), and flushing out kidneys and gallbladder stones. You can add lemon juice and jaggery to make the boiled barley water delicious. Soak barley grains in water and crush them before boiling. It also works as an excellent substitute to aerated cold drinks to quench your thirst. Boiled barley water helps to reduce the heat content in the body. Barley boiled water being a perfect cooling agent, it helps to reduce burning sensation in the stomach. It also prevents urine from stinking. This works for pregnant women or patients who are on hormone tablets. Regular consumption of barley boiled water cleanses your kidneys and keeps them free from toxins. The fiber that comes from barley boiled water lowers cholesterol and hence it is most suitable for all fitness freaks. The insoluble fiber is also known to help prevent formation of gallbladder stones. Barley boiled water also cuts the risk of Type 2 diabetes. The antioxidant in barley prevents cancerous growth. Consume barley boiled water every day for better digestion and treating constipation and nausea. Regular consumption of barley boiled water has shown to help weight loss too. With its many health benefits, barley boiled water is definitely the best health beverage. The next time you reach for a bottle of aerated cold drink, you know what is healthier. Barley is a rich source of Phosphorous that is required for cell production and repair in the body. It contains a good amount of Copper and is therefore beneficial to people suffering from arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Ancient civilizations believed that barley boiled water was a good remedy for improving complexion and reducing the aging signs. Barley is a rich source of Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and vitamin E. Barley is also a good source of minerals like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Selenium and Zinc. There are a number of nutritional benefits of drinking barley boiled water that helps treat and prevent variety of diseases and disorders. Drinking barley boiled water on regular basis helps to treat acidity, gastric trouble, and prevents forming of stomach ulcers.

9. Make a habit of chewing cloves, green cardamom or fennel seeds after meal to improve digestion.

You will need to change your dietary habits and life style by avoiding non-vegetarian, oily, spicy and junk food, wheat products, pickles, sauces, chocolates, confectionaries, cakes, pastries, sweets, refined cereals, tinned or preserved foods, ice creams, sweets, tea, coffee, alcohol beverages, tobacco products and aerated cold drinks, as these stuffs are not good for health and accumulate toxins in the body to cause illness. You should avoid eating food cooked in refined cooking oil, and instead eat food cooked in pure cooking oil that you have initially eaten at the beginning of your childhood in your native place, or elsewhere. Avoid taking milk products but fresh and sweet buttermilk is recommended. Take good amount of vegetables, salad, fresh sweet fruits, dry fruits and sweet fruit juices to energize your body and mind. Eat pulses and dry beans moderately to keep your body weight under control. Avoid eating sugar and soybean products. To replace sugar, jaggery or honey should be used. In place of wheat products, eat multigrain flour consisting of Jowar, Bajra and Nachni for good health. Gluten in wheat is the main cause of host of stomach disorders. Your food intake should be 80 percent alkaline and 20 percent acidic. Exercise regularly, or you can adopt a habit of going for brisk walk daily. Drink sufficient water daily to flush out toxins from the body. Take proper eight hour sleep daily. Urinate before and after meal. Drink a glass of water after urination. Brush your teeth before going to bed at night to keep them healthy, strong and disease free. Avoid stress and face the discomfort with utmost patience. Treat your constipation in the first place to bring regular bowel movements. Listen and enjoy soft music to sooth your body and mind as music is always good for health. You should avoid anger, hatred, and adopt a habit to forgive all. Praying God will bring peace and courage to fight the illness since prayers have more powers than medicines. Make a habit of donating money, food, and clothes to poor and needy people. Accept everything calmly and make a promise to do well, and to be of some help to others after recovering from your present sufferings.

Take care and stay healthy!

Best regards,
Kunwar Singh more  
1. stop intake of sugar . 2. take 1-3 spoonful of raw organic cocconut oil daily morning n aat night. 3. drink whole fresh lemon juice mixed with cup of warm water for 1-3 months the resarch carried ou by the Marykand college of medicines as repored 1000 times better than chemotherapy. you can choose any of the two from above fteravoiding sugar. this information as i am told by a fiend who learnt it thruamessage of MUKUL KANITKAR OF AIIMS DEPT. OF ONCOLOGIST. WISH THE ABOVE INFORMATION MAY BE USEFUL FOR YOU, N WISH YOU HAVE SPEEY RECOVERY. HAPPY NEW YEAR more  
Dear Sandeep,

I am extremely sorry for your sufferings, and pray for your speedy recovery. I would sincerely appreciate if you could update your WhatsApp number in your profile, so that I can contact you over the phone to discuss the treatment plan for you. I am in Australia right now, and will reach India around 20th of this month. You may contact me on my WhatsApp number from my profile on or after the above given date.

In the meantime, I would suggest the following herbal medicines for your present state of sufferings to bring best possible results:

1. Liv.52 (Himalaya) - Two tablets twice a day after meal.

2. Arogya Vati (Patanjali) - Two tablets twice a day after meal.

3. Chandraprabha Vati (Patanjali) - One tablet twice a day after meal.

4. Kanchnar Guggulu (Patanjali) - Two tablets twice a day after meal.

5. Mentat (Himalaya) - One tablet twice a day after meal.

6. Swamala (Shree Dhootapapeshwar) - One teaspoon chutney twice a day with a cup of cow's warm milk after meal.

Home Remedies:
1. Eat oats with cow's milk daily at breakfast time by adding few small cut pieces of dried fruits, jaggery or honey for better taste and to nourish the body. Avoid consuming sugar completely since sugar is considered as white poison and it's consumption is one of the greatest factors for many health sufferings.

2. Eat carrot, cucumber, cabbage and radish in salad.

3. Eat good amount of seasonal sweet fruits after meal or in between the meals to receive extra fiber for the body.

4. Eat walnuts and other dry fruits daily to nourish your body and mind.

5. In case of acidity and gastric disorders, take equal quantity of coriander (Dhaniya), cumin (Jeera) and fennel (Saunf) seeds to measure one teaspoon. Boil them in a glass of water until the water turns into golden colour. Strain and drink twice a day after meal to treat acidity, gases and indigestion. The decoction of coriander, cumin and fennel in equal quantity is useful in relieving acidity and abdominal cramps due to flatulence. Cumin helps to stimulate liver to secrete more bile thus leading to improve appetite and healthy digestion. Cumin also helps to promote heart health, controls blood pressure, treats hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) and sleep disorders.

6. Boil half teaspoon home made turmeric powder and quarter teaspoon black pepper powder in a glass of cow's milk until the same turns into dark yellow colour. Strain and drink milk twice a day before breakfast and dinner. Add some jaggery to make the milk delicious if you are not a diabetic patient. I feel it pertinent to mention that in order to obtain best possible results of turmeric milk home remedy, it is extremely important to add black pepper into milk to make the turmeric bioavailability, and thus the curcumin in turmeric gets absorbed by each and every cells of the body, and helps in treating critical health issues to bring best possible results. Turmeric milk home remedy is extremely effective in treating cold, cough, infections, allergies, itching, inflammation, joint and Muscular pain, asthma, and diseases related to liver, kidney, lungs, heart, and all types of cancers.

7. Wrap two peeled garlic cloves in a piece of wet dates and eat them daily for one month before breakfast to treat high levels of cholesterol and triglyceride to bring them under normal limits. Garlic being good source of Manganese, Vitamin B1, B6, Selenium, Vitamin C, Calcium, Phosphorus, Copper, Protein and Sulphur, it makes it a potent natural antibiotic against toxic bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungus. Garlic is anthelmintic and having anti-clotting properties, it is considered as one of the most popular herbs to prevent blood cells (platelets) from becoming too sticky by checking stickiness in blood; the risk of formation of blood clots in blood vessels is prevented. Garlic is also effective in treating muscles and joint pains, cold, cough, asthma, hepatitis B (HBV), tuberculosis (TB), HIV and critical skin diseases. Garlic is useful because of its potent action against pain and inflammation. It also helps to treat backache, sciatica, slip disc and sexual weakness. Diabetic patients should avoid taking dates.

8. In case of excessive body heat, burning urination and burning sensation in palms and feet during hot and humid weather, or due to other health reasons, drink barley boiled water several times daily. You will need two tablespoon barley grains to be boiled in one litre of water, and hence take sufficient barley grains to boil them in sufficient water as per your daily need of drinking water. Boiled barley water is also effective in treating urinary tract infections (UTI), and flushing out kidneys and gallbladder stones. You can add lemon juice and jaggery to make the boiled barley water delicious. Soak barley grains in water and crush them before boiling. It also works as an excellent substitute to aerated cold drinks to quench your thirst. Boiled barley water helps to reduce the heat content in the body. Barley boiled water being a perfect cooling agent, it helps to reduce burning sensation in the stomach. It also prevents urine from stinking. This works for pregnant women or patients who are on hormone tablets. Regular consumption of barley boiled water cleanses your kidneys and keeps them free from toxins. The fiber that comes from barley boiled water lowers cholesterol and hence it is most suitable for all fitness freaks. The insoluble fiber is also known to help prevent formation of gallbladder stones. Barley boiled water also cuts the risk of Type 2 diabetes. The antioxidant in barley prevents cancerous growth. Consume barley boiled water every day for better digestion and treating constipation and nausea. Regular consumption of barley boiled water has shown to help weight loss too. With its many health benefits, barley boiled water is definitely the best health beverage. The next time you reach for a bottle of aerated cold drink, you know what is healthier. Barley is a rich source of Phosphorous that is required for cell production and repair in the body. It contains a good amount of Copper and is therefore beneficial to people suffering from arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Ancient civilizations believed that barley boiled water was a good remedy for improving complexion and reducing the aging signs. Barley is a rich source of Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and vitamin E. Barley is also a good source of minerals like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Selenium and Zinc. There are a number of nutritional benefits of drinking barley boiled water that helps treat and prevent variety of diseases and disorders. Drinking barley boiled water on regular basis helps to treat acidity, gastric trouble, and prevents forming of stomach ulcers.

9. Make a habit of chewing cloves, green cardamom or fennel seeds after meal to improve digestion.

You will need to change your dietary habits and life style by avoiding non-vegetarian, oily, spicy and junk food, wheat products, pickles, sauces, chocolates, confectionaries, cakes, pastries, sweets, refined cereals, tinned or preserved foods, ice creams, sweets, tea, coffee, alcohol beverages, tobacco products and aerated cold drinks, as these stuffs are not good for health and accumulate toxins in the body to cause illness. You should avoid eating food cooked in refined cooking oil, and instead eat food cooked in pure cooking oil that you have initially eaten at the beginning of your childhood in your native place, or elsewhere. Avoid taking milk products but fresh and sweet buttermilk is recommended. Take good amount of vegetables, salad, fresh sweet fruits, dry fruits and sweet fruit juices to energize your body and mind. Eat pulses and dry beans moderately to keep your body weight under control. Avoid eating sugar and soybean products. To replace sugar, jaggery or honey should be used. In place of wheat products, eat multigrain flour consisting of Jowar, Bajra and Nachni for good health. Gluten in wheat is the main cause of host of stomach disorders. Your food intake should be 80 percent alkaline and 20 percent acidic. Exercise regularly, or you can adopt a habit of going for brisk walk daily. Drink sufficient water daily to flush out toxins from the body. Take proper eight hour sleep daily. Urinate before and after meal. Drink a glass of water after urination. Brush your teeth before going to bed at night to keep them healthy, strong and disease free. Avoid stress and face the discomfort with utmost patience. Treat your constipation in the first place to bring regular bowel movements. Listen and enjoy soft music to sooth your body and mind as music is always good for health. You should avoid anger, hatred, and adopt a habit to forgive all. Praying God will bring peace and courage to fight the illness since prayers have more powers than medicines. Make a habit of donating money, food, and clothes to poor and needy people. Accept everything calmly and make a promise to do well, and to be of some help to others after recovering from your present sufferings.

Take care and stay healthy!

Best regards,
Kunwar Singh more  
I hav found with my personal experience that cancer of any kind is now curable. Only cells need to be revived through oxygenthreapy or other modes. Allopathy kills surrounding cells also while killing malingnant cells. So better try alternative threapies like Ayurvedic, tibetan etc. I recently saw a very promising video of a person in remote area of Shimoga in Karnatka treating cancer nd other ailments with barks of spl trees free of cost with 90% success rate. Patients queue up for his medicines early morning. If you whatsapp or email me on my mobile no.9654397816 I can provide da video. Wish u early recovery. more  
PLS STOP chemo immediately.It will kill u. Follow this Routine:
1.vn u wake up..1st have 3-4 glasses of plain water.

2. Boil 1 glass of water. Put 1/2-1 tsp of turmeric powder,a pinch of black pepper,1-2 tblsn of coconut oil. cover. shut the gas. leave 4 a second. then pour n drink 1st thing.

3.peel a garlic. put it in ur mouth. chew slowly..atleast 4 20 mins. then eat it.

4. have beetroot, apple n carrot juice. take a walk.

5. Do DEEP Breathing as u go 4 a walk. Or sit in a Garden, do Deep Breathing.

Fill ur chest with the deep inhalation..expand ur chest 2 full capacity.feel the breath filling ur Whole Body..ur fingers n feet 2. Exhale. The last Breath..ur stomach going in. Hold.

x11 breaths..21,33..

5. on any auspicious day..tues,sat..sit in the Hanuman Temple. Read the Hanuman Chalisa 108 times,everyday..4 21 days.

Request Hanumang 2 help u get rid of this health issue.


Hanumang helped me. Cured me of the Malaria Menace.

Hanuman Jayanti..Do a Havan.

Jai Hanuman !


7678009108 more  
Please provide me the video in mywhatsapp.....9903038788 more  
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