Ayush ministry pregnancy recommendations

I read in news that the Ayush dept has issued a book for better pregnancy where it says that pregnant women should refrain from bad thoughts, lust, unhealthy food, during their pregnancy. The media is making a big deal out of it saying why are you issuing guidelines on women sexual activity.

I think what ministry is saying has nothing wrong in it. Positive thoughts of mother, the food she eats, the music she listens, leads to qualities in the child so it makes sense. Like to know what everyone thinks. I am not a Modi Bhakt by any means. more  

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..................................... Kanaklata would like to stay in touch on LinkedIn. Kanaklata Mishra Gynaecologist at Govt. of India Sirohi Area, India View profile https://www.linkedin.com/comm/in/kanaklata-mishra-a8023b71?trk=eml-guest-invite-pprofile-link-cta&trkEmail=eml-invite_guest-null-418-null-null-uhjl8k%7Ejfqt531j%7Euz-null-neptune%2Fprofile%7Evanity%2Eview&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_invite_guest%3BxOpvDZAbR1GljXdWQf%2F91w%3D%3D Confirm that you know Kanaklata https://www.linkedin.com/comm/start/accept-invitation?sharedKey=AoPB4fAB&invitationId=6299536742311653402&trk=eml-guest-invite-cta&trkEmail=eml-invite_guest-null-416-null-null-uhjl8k%7Ejfqt531j%7Euz-ssuw-start%7Esignup%7Ewarm&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_invite_guest%3BxOpvDZAbR1GljXdWQf%2F91w%3D%3D ..................................... Unsubscribe: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=uhjl8k-jfqt531j-uz&t=lun&midToken=AQFmrFVhGEd36Q&ek=invite_guest&li=426&m=unsub&ts=unsub&loid=AQFwZjNnI4Y90QAAAWKlUEJcBTQ5p55obj4zpc3z8882bZ6Nz4sy5cWeauI4vmK3kM8OHld3hlLfE8900Uw0GVRy2aGXvCTTnnasUOR-F0gvv1GkjtvKRZEXr0U8n9x0GrbUzMIoFl-SgityWLQMrSAgKNoOifZWs6A6&eid=uhjl8k-jfqt531j-uz Help: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=uhjl8k-jfqt531j-uz&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_invite_guest%3BxOpvDZAbR1GljXdWQf%2F91w%3D%3D&a=customerServiceUrl&ek=invite_guest&li=425&m=footer&ts=help&articleId=67 You are receiving Invitation emails. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You May Know. This email was sent to www.send_newpost++iybbiygxlkiybb++mqqsgxvvmqbb@localcirclesmail.com. © 2018 LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2. LinkedIn is a registered business name of LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn. more  
It is perfect eat healthy think positive and be positive is the right life style will keep you fit as a fiddle always. more  
Not read the book , but seeing a lot in the media about it. I think that if this book is in the form of an advisory, then what's the problem to have such a book as a companion. If some people wants to adapt the tips, what's wring in it as these are created by the experts in the field. If to some it is not appealing, they might as well find the other methods that are in plenty these days. more  
I have not read the book. But going by the small brief you have mentioned about it in your post, it appears that the topic is nice. We should read the book with an open mind giving full discount to its tone and language. What we should look for in the book is the nice, natural and well-wishing ideas of its author(s) rather than intentionally finding out material which could be stirred up to create sensation/controversy. more  
The book on Pregnant women well being is welcome . more  
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