Beware of Fake, Spurious and Counterfeit!!
It is good that Consumers have ‘Right to Choice’.
But is it okay to have that choice between the real and the fake?
Manufacturers have the right to decide the MRP of their product (excepting a very few products under price control). But is it okay to use that right to mark up by 1000-2000% or even more? Unreasonably high prices of branded medicines, perfumes and various other products is giving rise to cheaper fakes!
Do you know what is the actual cost of perfume content in a bottle of designer perfume that you bought for Rs 6000? Just Rs 160! On the other hand retailer's Profit is Rs.2400!! The bottle itself costs Rs 360!!!!
Brand owners are also consumers first! They manufacture one product but consume thousands of products made by others. It will be in their own interest to come together and say ‘NO’ to fakes!
The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 has provided for stringent penalties in fight against fakes, including imprisonment up to 7 years and fine up to Rs 10 Lakhs for adulterated or spurious products. This Act has come into force in July, 2020. An empowered consumer, coupled with a strong enforcement of Consumer Protection Law is the need of the hour.
(Source: Consumers India) more