Both our President & Prime Minister Called for :

Both our President and Prime Minister of India , while on their address to the Nation have called for specifically the below Prime issues :
1. Caste/Community based violence & Religious Outburst which are only caused due to : a ] Non implementation of Uniform Civil Code under article 44 though Supreme Court confined & advised in 1991 itself to the Congress Government . b ] Non control of Religious Expansion Campaigns that were at Economic benefits & bigamy [ multi marriages ]
2. Present need of stepping ahead for National and International peace and fraternity to arrest even the Religious Terrorism concepted .
3. Unity and better livelihood to be sworn-in, realizing the responsibility to participate and work with the Governance for better achievement of independent rule of India that was aspired by freedom-fight . This is only because the “ minimum guaranteed lively-hood Principles of Rule in India Directed in part IV of our Constitution was and has been neglected .
4. Once again preferred the need of Educational necessities to Indian Children which was and has been neglected in ruling in the Country even though the specific provisions of article 15 [ 4 ] , 45 , 46 and the very article 51 A .
5. Improving Production through Make in India and Start-up since this has been diluted since 1995 opting Global Business System of marketing business allowing lots of imports of many Products of even the livelihood need .
Their not sharing the word of justice in any of their Issues and Subjects that is significant in Society and the National rule , either on the concept of Freedom-fight or on the concept of Fraternity , Civility , is because it has become the practice of the Governments to ignore even the specific , fundamental and essentials of Social interest or the national interest as had been evident since 1976 , 1982 , 1991 , 1992 , and , 1993 too .
This is true if we memorise the subject issues of the Cases held by Indian Supreme Court in these years which prominently comprise of :-
A. Minimum Guaranteed rule in Independent Rule in India “ Directive principles of State policy listed in part IV ;
B. Implementation of Uniform Civil Code ;
C. Enforcement of Economic Creamy Layer in all Castes to eradicate Reservations & Relaxations to those Socially and Economically reasonably placed to carry the benefits of such Constitutional welfare provisions to those really needed poor and the poorest of the poor to establish justified carry of Constitutional provisions .
This really call for formation of a SPECIFIC ‘ FORUM ; SOCIETY ; ASSOCIATION or in any other name , to work for implementation of these three Top , Prominent , Fundamental and Essentials for a Safe and Secured Society and Nation THAT WAS CONCEPTED BY OUR FREEDOM FIGHTERS THOSE GIVENUP THEIR SOULS please . more  

It was not commission , it was Committee of Sri Justice Ram Nandan please . more  
Definitely and Certainly it will be well and honourably praised if the same are replaced with Economy Base since Supreme Court also will not deffer please . We have to re-memorise and re open the issue of the then P.M. V.P.Singh 's step up and the Supreme Court ' s Direction to work for Elimination through application of Economic Creamy layer the report of which was submitted by the appointed Commissioner , Sri Justice Ram nandan please . more  
Does any govt or president of India have guts to say no more reservation on cast or religion base in education, employment etc more  
Their 5 important Issues could have been solved with the 3 Prime issues set in the Constitution itself please . more  
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