
Having accepted the Hindustan Times Brunch Book Challenge of reading at least 30 books in 2015, I have so far completed reading the following books:

1. The cure of imperfect sight by treatment without glasses (Dr W H Bates)

2. The secret letters of the monk who sold his ferrari (Robin Sharma)

3. Laughter the best medicine (Himalaya Drug Co.)

4. Fun fare - a treasury of Reader's Digest wit and humor

5. Reader's Digest new family quiz book

6. Baroda dynamite conspiracy - the right to rebel (C G K Reddy)

7. 5 Minutes to stress relief (Lauren E Miller)

8. Speeches that changed the world (Alan J Whiticker)

9. What Rughby jokes did next (Sphere Books Ltd.)

10. Career opportunities for the disabled (Vinod Kumar Mishra) more  

Yes...who is the author, who is the publisher, why is the book not available in the market, and how much one needs to pay you for a copy? more  
I am glad to see that your interest in books is not restricted to a narrow band of subjects. I suggest you read "Beans, buns,chips,chops." It is a book about boys written for adults. It has become a collector's item and is not available in the market . I can arrange for a copy if you are interested. more  
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