Calcilum Carbide being used to ripen mangoes
Be aware that there is Law against Calcium Carbide in India
Like most parts of the world, the use of calcium carbide is strictly banned as per PoFA (Prevention of Food Adulteration) Act [Section 44AA]. The chemical has been linked to various health issues and can be hazardous to human beings. Calcium carbide, once dissolved in water, produces acetylene that can help the artificial ripening process, however, at a considerable cost. Acetylene can affect the nervous system by reducing oxygen supply to the brain, and the Arsenic and phosphorus are toxic as well that can expose you to severe health hazards.
The substances popularly used to ripen mangoes are known to cause cancer, permanent eye damage, ulcers and even lung issues. However, the usage of such chemicals hasn't stopped.
Ways to find out that your mangoes are ripened using Calcium Carbide and other toxic materials:
Colour and Texture: The colour and texture of artificially ripened mangoes are usually uneven. There may be patches of green evident on the fruit as the chemical doesn't ripen the fruit evenly. Moreover, the texture too will be uneven.
Throat-irritation and burning sensation: Not all but many people suffer from the immediate reaction when they consume mangoes that are artificially ripened. Such fruit will make your throat irritated and also give you a slight burning sensation inside your mouth. Some people have even experienced side effects such as stomach ache, diarrhoea, etc.
Juice: Artificially ripened mangoes usually have no or little juice in them, and you will not be able to extract juice from the mangoes that are artificially ripened easily. Even after you try to squeeze the fruit using your hands like to make aamras or something, you will find little or no juice more