Can any one oblige me and supply the average annual withdrawals of money from our Banks--either separately cash and non-cash OR if not possible total withdrawal figures (approximately). Thanks. <> more
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Vishwanath Kaushik ji your query is not clear what do you want to know? Please make it clear. more
Jul 21
There are chapters on Money finance,governance,banking in my three novels.They are free-the link is here.It is governments prerogative not to disclose even certain items to the parliamentary committee also.[1][2][3] more
Jul 20
No body can furnish such information. Even RBI does not collect such information from the banks more
Jul 20
One may suggest it to the Finance Minister with cost and benefit analysis of collecting such information. more
Jul 21
Thanks. While I do not understand why this information cannot be supplied by no one. It has no bearing on country's security. Anyhow I have to reconcile to this unhappy position. more
Jul 20
RBI,web sites will give information more
Jul 20
I tried but I am sorry I could not. Shall be extremely grateful if you can find and send me the information at more
Jul 20
Shri Vishwanath Kaushik ji, I could not understand your post. Are you asking about withdrawal limits from your savings bank account or do you want the total money withdrawn by all the people from all the banks in India? If you want the limits from your accounts, check with your bank and if you want country's figures, check with RBI. more
Jul 20
Yes,best person who can tell latest events is left RBI,governor,Mr.Rajan.He can tell lots of secrets.But they will be danger to the person who hears them. more
Jul 20
Yes,best person who can tell latest events is left RBI,governor,Mr.Rajan.He can tell lots of secrets.But they will be danger to the person who hears them. more
Jul 20
I wanted to have figure of total money withdrawn annually by the entire country. I did approach RBI as also Ministry of Finance both in writing and through email but there was no response. Hence I made the request to the members of the Local Circle. more
Jul 20