Banning a company (Uber) is not solution to end rapes in city or country. But the times has come to think & find out the root cause of it. Rapes or molestation incidents are on rise. I do remember after such one of the incident Chair Person or Secretary of NCW said that sex workers or profession to be legalise like few countries. more  

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It is really difficult to stop rapes without changing the attitude and behavior of male in our society. To change behavior of male in our society the film industry shall extend help. They should stop showing even intended rapes in films. For example a male forcing female to remove her cloths etc, specifically in religious films. I remember one of my friend telling me a film story and he mentioned " WAWO the screen was full with her buttock image what a big image it was ! " Though the heroin was fully clothed he was excited so much as if he had seen her naked. I was wondering that time, why was he excited so much with buttock image. We both were around 22 years old and were not married nor I had met with any prostitute till then. But my friend though he was unmarried, he was regular visitor to prostitution dens. After getting married at the age of 30 and experiencing sex, I realized the meaning of his excitement with image of buttock. So you learn by experience. This experience shall be limited to a reasonable age. Moral policing will be too dangerous. But legal prostitution with age limit on customer will solve the problem. Harsh punishment like Saudi Arabian punishment, can not be the real solution. There the the person who rapes, kills his victim as well as all the witness to satisfy himself that none of them live after him, that is really too much of pre-revenge for peoples. more  
Legalizing prostitution will not help much for our society as it would help to only those who are ready to indulge in sex for commercial consideration and thereby contemplate to lay down foundation of one more industry, which is nonspiritual, immoral and more so lead to social health disorders. As rapist is more interested in satisfying his lust with somebody rather than paying somebody for it (and that somebody may not always be a sex worker) . If prostitution is legalize such people may even exploit the prostitutes without paying to them for having sex. Further in all probabilities for me it does not looks to be an appropriate solution, Moreover, It is seriously going to harm ethical, moral and spiritual values of those who believe in them. For me the proper solution could be: 1. Inculcate moral, ethical and spiritual values from the institution of family itself to every child. 2. Respect for women and elevation of status of women through co-ordinated social efforts 2. Sex education to every child at an appropriate age. 3. Provision of More stringent laws and deterrent punishment by law makers. more  
I have new suggestion regarding the strong punishment of rapist. Today we talk of jail term, life imprisonment etc. but under the human rights we do not disturb his organs which has spoiled the woman for life. As all of us may know that testecals of bullocks used in farming or transportation are pressed in their young age so that they do not get excited during work whether for farming or for transportation. This eliminates their desire & action to leave work and run after cows. Similar method can be considered for convicted rapist even if he is minor. This will prevent them to do such non sense act in future and will also suffer life time the way they have spoiled the life of woman. There is no necessity of legalising prostitution. Punish men and agents with above and people will never dare to look at woman with bad intention knowing the repercussions. more  
I fully agree with Mr Puranik and with mr shreyas Vyas. Following points may be considered for improvement: 1. Society must come forward to help every women on happening at public place instead of spectator which is not there at present .There may reasons & needs to be analyzed. 2. Every female must get honor in house Ist then in society. At present male domination society rejects it which is unfortunate. Such elements of society needs transformation at social/physiological levels. 3.Education must start amongst kids from the family then school level which may change the mind set of future generation. 4.Only laws and courts can not do alone.There is need of stong social movement movement in this regard. more  
I believe the solution lies in Media and education. There is no short term solution but a long term commitment by key people managing these. Plus spirituality is diluted which needs to be organized properly. If there is god fearing people will follow. more  
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