canara bank sweep in sweep out accounts
i am finding so many errors in crediting interests and calculation of income tax and penalty on premature. if any body account we discuss sir more
thanks for writing to me . it is not so .
my basic complaint was how can i see my closed kamadhenu deposit statement.
they say it is not possible. my question is why not the deposit is mine and i should be able to see as it is not a secret document. Because there are so many errors
when i have questioned repeatedly to grievance cell , they sent the fact sheet twice and two are different statements for the same account number.
if you are from canarabank and if you give your mail i will send the complaint and you can analyse and reply me back
strangely , the senior manager also do not know the terminology (legends in the language of icici bank)
for my 53 mails they never bothered to reply. grivance cell replies simply, the branch replied and closed.whey i wrote once again asking them i have not satisfied and reopen the complaint they do not do so
please send your mail add if you are from the same bank and take my case as subject of interest more