Cancer research Knows 800+ ways to cause cancer
Also we need to know what our soldiers are doing? the Soldiers is the Cancer researchers and Big Pharma.
Cancer research has taken billions of dollars in donation and what are they doing with it.?
We are still trying to find the cure. But if they really cared for our health they would have come out at banned atleast 800 substances that cause cancer.
Let me explain.
To do any kind of research you too cause that disease in Lab animal used for the research.
This is the key. To do research on anti-slimming drug the Lab has to cause "obesity" in the rat. Rats in general don't get these lifestyle diseased...Well because they don't lead a human lifestyle.
So they are need to fed what humans eat. To make them obese rats are fed MSG as you cannot over feed a rat. To cause Diabetes they use some pesticides and most common is Alloaxan a byproduct of "bleaching" in packaged wheat flour products which are used in almost all baked products. Only after the Animal gets the disease do they start testing drugs.
Same with cancer there are 800+ substances that cause cancer and these researchers know it and they are using to cause cancer in Lab rats. After they do they go around finding the cure.
Whats appalling is these 800+ substances are what we consume on a daily basis through our food, water, cosmetics, chemicals through the environment.
Till now I have not seen any laboratory or with the media or any Cancer Movement release these list of substances and get it banned so we can fight cancer.
Trust me when I tell you these, all these chemicals are not necessary and they have been use only in the last 50 to 30 years. There are natural alternatives for them but the companies using them use it to increase their profits.
Many studies have suggested that cancer is Man made disease
But ofcourse after that research the entire Mainstream Media has been trying to bash that research.
For obvious reasons like someone said the cancer industry is not there to create a cure. There is not profit in a cure its only there for management.
Looking for a cancer cure after we are aware of what causes it is like trying to cure a wound a caused by a nail protruding out of your chair.
Imagine you have a Nail protruding out of your chair and when you sit on it it cause a wound in your backside.
You go to the doctor and the doctor instead of telling you to bang the nail in try to treat the wound.
But everytime you sit on the chair it again opens the wound.
Then they even recommend surgery , this is a perfect analogy to some of the surgeries like "lab band" or "Bariatic" surgeries fro obesity. They will tell you we will remove a part of your buttocks in a concave shape so when you sit on the chair the nail will not touch you anymore and we have cured your condition.
So they know the nail is causing it but instead of banging it in which is not the job of a doctor obviously. He is not a carpenter ;-) (in this analogy he is not a nutritionist) Definitely not the job of the Cancer Industry
Here also they know the nail that is our lifestyle and 800+ chemicals causing cancer but the cancer industry would not hear of it. They say its not their job they just want to find a cure. Which you can't.
The only reason it is so hard to find a cure for cancer is because you are addressing what is causing it.
The "Nail in the chair" analogy is so perfect just image even a common person can imagine that it is is impossible to cure a wound caused by the nail on the chair.
If you just removed the nail you may not even need any medicine. The body heals itself.
The first step towards cancer cure and for any movement who wants to fight cancer is to address this issue.
Otherwise we are just victims of the cancer industry and Big Pharma Hogwash and while we think we are doing something good for cancer patients all we are doing is glorifying their Path to slow death.
There are many cases and scientifically document treatments of cancer like Gershons therapy which was discovered by a mainstream doctor.
It just works on this simple principle that is to give the patient a pure and raw food plant based diet that helps the body heal itself.
Basically in other they are not feeding the person things that cause cancer. more