City that needs disasters to wake up


Elphinstone bridge collapsed - All bridges were audited for safety.

Kamala Mills fire - All establishments were checked for fire compliance.

Hoarding fell - Approvals for all hoardings are being verified.

In a city that never sleeps, it takes disasters to wake BMC up. more  

View all 6 comments Below 6 comments
BMC has become lethargic. It needs a thorough renovation. It does not wakes up until the disaster occurs. Cleanliness in the City is in total shamble. Higher Management does not have a will to improve the system or is governed by Unions. more  
I endorse the views expressed by the members and wish to add that in case of any disaster, why Government should pay compensation to the victims and their near and dears? I have no problem in paying compensation but it should be paid by the Contractor or one who has defaulted. Why our money (tax payers) should be used for such compensation? more  
Rule of law needs to be observed and followed. How many times we keep pardoning wrong-doers? Whether its two wheelers jumping signals or cutting traffic, people driving on the wrong side of the road, approvals being ignored, ... All signs of a weak and corrupt system. We need better accountability and strict observance of laws. It starts from things like driving licences which are giving easily or other aprovals that are issued if gratification is given. We need proactive action and responsibilities fixed. Right now its too little, too late. more  
If the administration and the politicians controlling th administrators were honest to their jobs and not after power and Money, things would have been different more  
It's not just Mumbai. We are reactionary by nature. Because being proactive requires a lot of planning and foresight. Let's not get into that as to why we aren't. more  
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