Civic Sense on Trains/Stations - Root Causes
Below please find the key issues outlined by you relating to Civic Sense in Indian Railways.
Please review them and identify Root Causes to these issues. Once we know them, we will identify Solutions for the Railway Ministry to implement.
I look forward to your inputs!
Rajendra Pratap Gupta
Civic sense on Train/Stations – Issues
1. People stick bills/posters outside trains and on platforms
2. People spitting on the station/on the tracks/inside the train
3. Garbage is thrown anywhere
4. Passengers sleep on the lower birth even in the day time causing inconvenience to the other passengers
5. Passengers cross railway tracks without using the foot over bridge
6. People jump queues while purchasing tickets and while boarding the train
7. People don’t let go of their lower berths for elders and Ladies
8. Travelling without ticket
9. Travelers do not flush after using the toilet
10. Smoking in public
11. People sleeping on the floor and pathways
12. Putting lights on in the night when other passengers are asleep
13. People keep on shunting between compartments in the night, thereby disturbing other passengers
14. Using toilets when the train is stationary
15. Sitting on a seat which is reserved by someone else
16. Sleeping on the platforms
17. Using cell phone to play loud music
18. Talking loudly on phone more