Cleaning India During Night
Have vast experience of managing Garbage in various capacities
In fact Designed a GARBAGE AND WAST MANAGEMENT MACHINE IS and Discussed Project with IBM and TATA but due to Financial Constraints could not progress.
If Government Supports the same Machine can be designed and Produced which will resolved nearly 90% Garbage on Site in a Community
I have suggested earlier using MCD and Local Governing Body help to manage Garbage.
Garbage can be effectively used to;-
1. Landfill areas;
2. Make local Construction Raw material from Construction Waste;
3. Use green waste for Compost fertilizers;
4. Use other Waste for local Brick works and as Retaining wall stack helps to prevent soil erosion; and
5. Use mixed Garbage for channelizing Rivers and Nalas or FLOOD DRAINS.
Expert Counselling can be offered with minimum expenditures in future.
Col Som Prakash Sharma
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