Cleanliness in Tier 3/4 cities - Addl Inputs

Dear all:

Based on your inputs, here is a summary of the solutions identified by you to improve Cleanliness in Tier 3/4 cities of India.

Please review and if you have anything additional, kindly share your view as a comment to this post (with a prefix indicating Issue, Root Cause or Solution)

We will then be compiling the Whitepaper on the subject to be submitted to Senior Leadership in the Ministry so it can be acted up and further circulated to States.

Thanks for your participation!
Ministry of Urban Development


Cleanliness in Tier 3/ 4 cities – Solutions

1. Number of dustbins on the roads and across the cities should be substantially increased
2. The design of the waste bin should be such that cows and dogs cannot access the waste material inside the bins
3. Clean and free public toilets should be made in markets and residential areas
4. Open urination should be banned
5. Social campaigns should be designed to tell people to make throwing garbage in bins a habit
6. Street vendors should be fined for littering and should be made responsible for its cleanliness
7. There should be heavy penalties on spitting on the road
8. Throwing garbage on the roads should also attract fines
9. A close eye should be kept on the municipal workers to make sure that they perform their duties well
10. Civic agencies should be given the latest equipment
11. Make every cleaning authority collectively and cleaning staff individually, right from the supervisory level to the labour/working people, accountable for their work
12. Sewage treatment needs to be developed /improved
13. Plastic bags should be completely banned
14. Authorities should fixed up day in a week to collect trash and recycle; this should be done by rotation to cover entire city
15. Funds should be made available for sewerage systems and Sewage Treatment Plants
in such towns
16. Cleanliness encouragement programs should be organized for public

Cleanliness in Tier 3/ 4 cities – Root Causes

1. Lack of civic sense among the common public
2. People do not respect the job cleaners do
3. Lack of ownership and pride
4. Lack of laws on cleanliness
5. Street vendors do not have bins and definitely not big enough for the filth they generate
6. Dustbins are broken/stolen from the streets
7. Public toilets are either not available or extremely filthy
8. Civic bodies are not held accountable for their work and do not have defined Key Responsibility Areas (KRAs)
9. Civic agencies don’t have enough equipment to carry out their work well
10. The general perception in India is that you can do anything on God’s name
11. Plastic bags can be easily bought from the markets even after being banned
12. No one wants to take an initiative/responsibility to organize the system of garbage collection
13. Stray animals add to the dirtiness

Cleanliness in Tier 3/4 towns – Key Issues

1. People spit on the road
2. Dustbins are literally non-existent on the roads
3. Every corner is made into a dumping ground
4. Street vendors throw their garbage on the streets
5. People urinate in public
6. Civic bodies are only there for name sake
7. Pilgrims spoil the area
8. Plastic bags are freely available and used
9. Drains are constantly overflowing
10. Lack of a comprehensive system of garbage collection more  

View all 151 comments Below 151 comments
Root Causes: what about our child/adult/youth they comprises almost 50 percent of population they equally or more contribute in creating litter/garbage and filth everywhere because they are not being taught cleanliness & Hygiene at home or School. We should at least start a class or regular awareness workshop along with mandatory cleaning of school toilets,playgrounds etc with active consultation with Parents in every school. Probably it will help in putting cleanliness and Hygiene in a center of our life forever. more  
This is such a waste of time, these websites seem to just be another marketing ploy. What an elementary and pointless compilation of "suggestions" what are we supposed to do with this? We have recieved no response to our letters and communication describing how we are painstakingly understanding the problem, working with all stakeholders and providing consistent results though implementing systemic changes into the SWM practices. But not a word on that. Just lists. Sad. more  
the municipal corporation particularly in villages should plan for dustbins in every streets and they should conduct waste disposal programs. the corporate companies and the people who are living in cities has atleast minimum awareness on such things. but the citizens living in villages are just depends on panchayat / town panchayat. if the panachayat leader has plan of good initiatives, basically this all will be improved. my sincere request is that we should plan for good leadership initiatives in all village level by which not only cleanliness but everything will be resolved. thanks. more  
The root cause of the problem is the way in which Municipal corporation are structured and have become monolithic elephants For urban infrastructure to improve, the large Municipal corporations have to be de-centralized and the wards should become the epicenter of decision making. Funds collected from Property registration, property tax, road tax, fines, charges for services etc. need to be made available to the ward level councils. Like how large gated communities or apartment complexes operate, assign Managers to 10-20 streets and they take care of all public space infrastructure for those streets. Today there are 5-7 AE level Government officials who are in-charge for each street and no one has the responsibility. e.g. in Bangalore BBMP engineering department is responsible for constructing the drain, the health inspector is responsible for cleaning the drain. If sewage water is illegally, connected to the rain water drain, then the BWSSB needs to send a showcause notice to the property owner and stop it. Then we need to talk to the BBMP health inspector to clean the drain. If the water reaches to the ORR Service road, then we need to talk to the BDA AE. If there is a major digging work happening, and debris are left in the drain, then it is a merry-go-round. Everyone points the finger at the other and nothing gets done. Detailed case study and recommendation published by me in Swachh Bharat (Bangalore) - Resources more  
solution: Streets should be made absolutely free from cattle. Roads are meant for people and vehicles not for providing homes to cattle. more  
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