I do not understand why our Government is not giving importance to Solar Power? Being a Tropical Country we can avail this power and save our Forests and can reduce the pollution of sound, particles and save our exchequer. How may of my Countrymen agree with this? Kindly give your open opinion as to how our Government should proceed on this?
The Electricity Boards should strengthen the power lines and transformers so that net metering system is possible. The roof tops of every house can be a source of energy for the country and a source of income for the family
Actually the Govt. is giving a lot of importance to harness solar energy. It is the general public who are either unaware or disinterested in using solar equipment. Solar equipment are highly priced by most solar companies. VJ Thomas
Every household can be encouraged to install solar panels and it can be connected to the Grid through a meter, whatever amount of electricity is supplied to the grid should be deducted from the qty. consumed from grid and billing should be done for net quantity only. Geysers may be connected through timer devise to use electricity only during non-peak hours and rates for such power must be cheaper. These steps will boost huge investment by public for generation of clean energy.
Solar power may be the power of the future for the world. Solar power should be the power of today for India. It may well be the source that will keep Bharat Swachh. We should have research institutes in India devoted solely to solar power.
Swachch Bharat Mission should be a continuous process . It is necessary program . It is very unexpected matter as the the status of cleanliness in most of the parts of Cities , Railwa...
It is seen that many people use to make morning and evening walks of their domestic Dog and these dogs do potty anywhere beside compound wall , in front of House Gate . Some people do these walks ...
Lockdown has done wonders from Ganga to Cauvery. Don’t squander the gains afterwards The way in which Covid-19 has quarantined most social and economic activity, is being called the worl...
Dear all: Lack of water is an issue in many parts of Urban India. From a cleanliness/hygiene sanitation standpoint, this has led to the fact we have a lot of toilets built but are non f...
Last year I had made out a case when severe pollution had descended on Delhi Noida area for exempting total tax on airpurifiers . But the GOI did not act .I do not know if they wanted some s...
In most cities where construction is taking place Construction Waste is being dumped here there and everywhere which makes most of cities dirty. There is need of recycling of these construction was...
Dear Friends, Thank you for your inputs on the subject on Garbage Management. Through this post we would like to seek your inputs on the Cleanliness/Civic Sense issues with P...
In a recent global study by World Economic Forum (attached), 13 of the world's most polluted cities are in India with Delhi being the most polluted in the world. Below is the whitepaper...
It is a strange logic that farmers in northern states who are insisting on burning crop stubble after harvesting by mechanical devices are showing their inability citing financial burden. In ...
Independence Day is a great occassion for connecting with your community and doing something together. Here are some ideas on what you could do in your neighborhood when it comes to Swachh Bharat
Dear all: Some of our circle members and recently Mr. Hariom Dubey have raised the issue of Electronic Waste. This is a growing concern and as India becomes more digitally connected, ele...
By LocalCircles Manager
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